Had to meet a client up near King’s Cross, which in the past was a horrible 1hr journey either via Whitechapel or Northern Line. Went to London Bridge, walked across to Thameslink and got a train up to St Pancras. Was here in 30 minutes from HOP.
Thameslink is great (if it works)

Yes would agree, the main issue is coming back, the Thameslink trains are every 10 minutes so if it is cancelled you lose 20 minutes, the southern ones are about every 20 minutes so if one is cancelled you lose 40, tend to go in on the train and back on the overground

Can you explain how this works? Where did the other 10 go? Is it just assuming worst case timings?

I should have been a bit clearer. I am referring to the wait at London Bridge. Once I get a Southern train to LB then thameslink trains are every 10 minutes so if one is cancelled, I’ll wait 20 minutes most whereas on the way back Southern trains to FH out of LB are every 20 minutes so if one is cancelled l’ll wait 40 minutes, I could go home on the overground but don’t like changing at Canada Water.