Our bins haven’t been collected today on Ballina Street. Anyone else?
Rubbish collections in HOP

Oddly this week the Lewisham council website suggested my refuse bin (looked up by post code and house number) would be collected - which was out of cycle and would mean back to back collections for 2 weeks running.
Alas, though I put my refuse bin out (as did my neighbours) they weren’t collected.
(It didn’t however stop the neighbor putting junk in my recycling bin yet again though, grrr)

My recycling was collected, but not refuse. Frustrating

I also thought our refuse hadn’t been collected this week. This is weird. And it’s so hot the bins are getting so stinky.

NB live on Woolstone road

Yes you are right, the refuse hasn’t been collected, although we did forget to put the black bin out! I’ve got the chart up in a pin board & they should have collected it, weird ️

Oops! My OH just brought it to my attention that our refuse was collected last week & when I checked the chart again, he’s right!