Can anything be done about this eyesore?

They have numbers on the sides

heh. So 61 is the that building. 57, 59 are the others. Are they allowed to just keep all their bins on the street ?

Don’t think so. As you say they are an eyesore also. Don’t know if anyone knows what the guidelines for bins outside shops are?

If anyone manages to find out, or talks to anyone at the Council about it, please report back.

I have always found Fix My Street to be really helpful.

I compained here :
Please support and they’ll do something about it

Will they?

They will if enough people complain!

Mm, that’s interesting. I think fixmystreet is a good route to go down as well. Or you could try ringing Envirocall?

I added to fixmystreet too if anyone else wants to chip in.

It is a problem.
When I used to live in the flat above Sugar Mountain it was back in the days before wheelie bins, so we just used to put our black sacks out for the binmen on a Wednesday I think.
But these wheelie bins are now just out on the street because hallways to the flats above the shops are mostly only like 3 feet wide and there’s nowhere else for them to go.
Until the council come up with a solution these bins are going to continue to blight the pavements.

Dang that’s a problem !
What would happen theoretically if the tandoori started up again ? I’m sure they wouldn’t put up with it. ?
I wonder if there could be space where the new development down the hill is. Presumably there’s refuse collection for that.

Most of the bin numbers are 61 which is related to,the Dartmouth tandoori or the flats above it and behind it.
This property has nothing to do with @Anotherjohn
Plus people just throw random rubbish here and it stinks.

Often on streets where there is plenty of space for bins in front gardens or driveways.

Where do you put your bins Pauline ?


Huh. Not rude just wondering where everyone else puts their bins. Seems that it’s a problem at 61 because no ones in there.

For the shops we all pay for red sacks which get picked up daily and for the flats you can request orange sacks for normal rubbish and clear sacks for recycling which again get picked up daily, this service is free and is what I use.
You just leave them next to the blue street bins in the evening and they are gone by early morning the following day.

Pauline you pay for the sacks and then say the service is free.

Red sacks for business (paid for)
Orange sacks for private residence (free)

So why are there any bins in this section of dartmouth road?
And if they do need to be there, why can’t they be round the back of the shops?

An example -
The front doors to the flats at 51a, 51b, 55a and 55b are in the alleyway, which is only the width of a car and which must be kept as permantently clear access for the house and the new development behind the shops.
I wasn’t aware of the orange sacks, but this could be the perfect alternative to wheelie-bin-blight providing they’re collected frequently enough.

It is one of the challenges of modern refuse and recycling. My last house was a maisonette with four entry doors side by side. There was barely enough room to store all the bins (blue, green, black) in front of the house. In the summer some had to go on the street lest you have a bin outside your windows.

I’m sure if the restaurant was in use a solution would appear. They obviously wouldn’t allow such a situation in front of their restaurant. It’s another case of where having empty shops is a downer for the streetscape

Shops pay for their rubbish to be picked up, residents don’t.
But as a resident you have to contact Lewisham Council to ask for orange and clear sacks and they deliver 3 rolls of each quarterly free of charge.

@Michael & @anotherjohn please don’t tell anyone I keep traffic cones behind the shops incase I need them for events Shhh
It’s a secret

At the other end of the borough in Lee, they have had some success in addressing Eyesore properties - this link shows some of the issues they have dealt with, and not without some success. The frontage of several of these shops and pubs has been re-furbed, broken windows repaired and vermin removed.

I had an update on fix my street about this. Had anything changed ? I’m not able to check right now.

I live just down the road and the council give us orange and clear sacks to put on the street for daily collection.
The bins aren’t the worst of it, there seem to constantly be mattresses, old electronics etc lying outside it.