Archived on 6/5/2022
Colourful Moths of SE23

9 Jun '16
Wow proper camouflage, did it fit in with your collection of skateboards Ben

9 Jun '16
Cool! I believe that is a Lime Hawk Moth - very pretty

11 Jun '16
More about local Jersey Tiger Moths at

11 Jun '16
There are lots of cool local moths. There are Poplar Hawk moths living on the hybrid poplars by the railway which are also impressively large. You get to see a sudden burst of colour when they fly.
Another one for the lepidoperologists: the Blotched Emerald:
This has a neat local connection. Though more widespread then first thought, it was originally known as the Maid of Honor as the first specimen was named after Oak of Honor wood on One Tree Hill where it was first found:;view=fulltext