Archived on 6/5/2022

Dodgy gas meter reader?

24 Nov '16

My wife just answered the door to an old man who wanted to read the gas meter. He got the reading, wrote it down on a form on a clipboard, thanked her very politely, and left.

The guy from my energy utility came last week, took the gas and electricity readings, inputting them into one of those proper hand-held meter-reading machines. My bill with those readings arrived the other day.

So I don’t know who this old guy is, but it’s not looking good. Nobody reads meters and uses clipboards these days. Casing the joint?

24 Nov '16

This happened to me (must be nearly 10) years ago, in a different London borough. What I later heard was guys like that come to size up the property/ residents, most likely to rob them if they’re vulnerable, or if no answer, attempt entry. Not sure if this is the case here, or even when it happened to me, just what I was told at the time when I queried it with a few people in the know.

Strange, as back then it was also an oldish skinny guy that came with a clipboard, also very polite and non-intimidating but even back then, legitimate guys had digital readers, so wonder if it’s the same guy!

25 Nov '16

Any utility company worker should be able to show you company ID so always ask for that before you let anyone in to read your meter. If you aren’t show refuse them entry and phone your supplier to check. They have a lot of schemes to try and prevent this type of thing so they won’t be offended.

25 Nov '16

He did actually show ID - but heck, you can do that easily enough with a computer and a laminator.

Besides - arguably all they want you to do is open the door so they know if there’s anyone there and if they’re old and frail or have a big dog. By the time they show ID it’s too late. He already knows what he needs to know.

25 Nov '16

My wife remains convinced this is just some sad old guy and this is his way of getting out and about and chatting to people. I’m less sure, but I didn’t meet him.