Archived on 6/5/2022

Explaining today’s flagged post

21 Apr '17

Continuing the discussion from Local MP Jim Dowd standing down at election:

Pauline, as a mod, I agree with the flag. There was nothing offensive about your post, but it was off topic. It’s important that topics stay on-topic.

Forums are different animals to Facebook or chat rooms. We use categories and titled topics to organise conversations and this makes it easier for people to find what they’re interested in and avoid what they’re not.

People who have set a topic or category to “watched” will be emailed every single reply. The first poster also gets emailed too.

If someone starts a topic about Jim Dowd and then they get emailed about an Earth Wind and Fire music video, they’ll be confused, at best, and possibly irritated.

We have to respect people’s attention and preferences. If we don’t, they will stop using the forum.

21 Apr '17

What connects these top three topics?

An outstanding Earth Wind and Fire track from 1981. :wink: