Hello all, I am new to the area and my ginger tom cat
Leo has gone missing. Am worried as he usually comes back after a few hours of roaming, when I call his name. I haven’t seen him in 24 hours and nervous that he might not know his house well enough to come back. He’s very friendly and chipped with a collar on. Number is 07740861111.
Thank you
[Found] Lost ginger cat

Hi @Steph_Tat - sorry to hear about this, and idea on the general area Leo may be lost in?

hello, thanks so much for asking. I live on Montem Rd, so I would imagine and hope, somewhere surrounding. We back on to allotments so he might be exploring there and not ready to come back, but no luck right now :’(

I’ve shared it on our social channels, good luck :
@SE23_Tweets (633 followers)
@SE23Cats (325 followers)

Hi Steph, welcome to the area and sorry to hear about your cat. I can post his photo in the Blithe Hill village Facebook group in case someone has seen him. Fingers crossed.

Thank you SO much, really appreciate it.

Hi Alma,
oh please, that would be wonderful. thank you so much.

good luck !!

Hi Steph, any news yet? Has Leo returned home?

Hi Alma, no sadly not one possible sighting of him but i have seen another little skinnier ginger roaming around the area that he could be mistaken for. getting very worried that he’s stuck somewhere. very lucky to have so many people keeping an eye out though

Hi, is he wearing a black collar?

Do let us know of any developments. I was thinking about Leo today and hoping he has turned up.

Hey everyone! Very happy to report that I found Leo in a bush on Blyth Hill a few nights ago! He was very happy to see me thank you for all your help. Leo is now on house arrest for a few weeks but if you see him after this, he has a red collar and is very friendly


Thank goodness for that. You must be mightily relieved !

I was frightened to look at the follow-up posts, but I’m SO happy for you and for Ginge!
Moderator - please can you add - FOUND SAFE and WELL - to the heading.