Archived on 6/5/2022

Have you lost a dog?

9 Oct '17

A little white terrier has been found this morning on the corner of Hawksfield and Ticehurst Road. It has a collar on but no details. It looks like it has been injured as was dragging its bag legs behind or maybe attacked by foxes as he was bleeding. He/she is now safe and being looked after by animal welfare. Would love to reunite with owner if possible. Not sure if I should post a photo or does the dog have to be identified? thanks

9 Oct '17

That’s very sad, poor little thing :worried:

@TravelCounsellor - if you post a photo I will share this on our social media channels. Photos always help in social media - hopefully a bit of sharing will help get the message back to the owners of the dog.

9 Oct '17

Thanks for adding the photo. I have shared to our ~3000 followers on FB and Twitter. Fingers crossed.