Morning Maja!
Thank you for your time to answer. I agree with Chris, definitely will vote for you if your name is on the list for one simple reason - you talk to people, you listen to them, you are trying to help. It is priceless. But I believe I am in the different ward and wont have a chance to do so.
When I was referring to Lewisham debt, I ment this topic:
What those loans were taken for? Could Lewisham avoid taking loans? Could central government help? If It could not, why not? The government bailed out Halifax bank, why not to help local government in the similar way?
Local governors I refer to all people in the local government who make decisions in different areas.
Thank you for confirming that.
Housing stock transfer: for managing it only, right? My lease shows that Lewisham Council is my landlord and not Lewisham Homes (LH) who is a managing agent of our Estate. My understanding is if LH is a managing agent for Lewisham Council then Lewisham Council must manage its managing agent - its performance, finance management, etc.? I believe Lewisham Council pays LH £18.5 million, I am guessing per year, and extended its contract for 10 years? This £18 million, are they for services only or they incorporate spending for maintenance of housing stocks as well? I am a leaseholder and see, through my portion of contributions, the full scale of spending by LH on our estate.
I am shocked to be honest and do not find it acceptable not only because I pay a portion from my pocket (as leaseholder), but also because another portion (the council) - i believe there are currently 25% leaseholders and 75% council tenants on our estate - is contributed by council funds…it is not only leaseholders who are ripped off but the Council too!
For example: LH charge £40 per hour for caretaking with just only 10 hrs per block per week which we realisticly get only 5 hrs per block per week if we are lucky, for the past 4-5 years we have been living in pigstyies. We have been battling from April this year to get our 10hrs per week caretaking and already told LH that we would go to Tribunal if they dont get it sorted.
Latest one, just over £900 to patch/repair/fix bird netting
About £900,000.00 pounds spent to replace 6 lifts in 3 blocks with 6 workers + 1 supervisor on site with works lasting one year. I have been talking to private lift companies and they told me that realisticly the job could be done for half of the time and for about £500,000.00. I did not have guts to question LH because I was new to leaseholder business at that time.
The block entrance door replaced for the price, i think is about £24k, i need to check that, with only one year warranty, but one of the leaseholders in our block wrote to LH offering the entry system for half of that price with more functions, with video, etc (we dont have video function now).
£54 charge to remove a dead bird/birds by the caretaker for whose service we pay £40 per hour.
£15 for the electronic form of the block insurance policy…how???
There are some more…
I personally see a lot of money (my money and council’s money) going down the drain or where are they going ??? LH is not-for-profit organisation…
I will definitely take this opportunity to bring the leaseholders saga to the attention of Housing Committee amd Mr Handley). I will put my thoughts in a more coherent form and will forward them to yourself so it can be kindly passed over to Mr Handley. We will be holding a Standlake Point leaseholders meeting today and I will ask them if they have smth to add to what I have said above.
Thank you Maja very much for your time and patience to read my posts.