Archived on 6/5/2022

Neighbourhood Plan

10 Aug '17

A reminder that the survey on the updated plan is open for 8 more days - deadline 18th August. Please feed back your comments. Please respond even if you agree with them all, as it helps to capture the stats. Updated Plan is here. The survey form is here and the detailed review about the areas of special character/heritage streets to be protected is here.

Note that the more detailed feedback on the areas of special character is because a major change was suggested through the first round of consultation. The response was varied with no clear direction. The options are:

  1. Scrap the policy altogether (some strong vocal feedback saying the area isn’t that special and not worth of such heritage protection)
  2. Stick to original list
  3. Go with new list, presented by steering group members, which totally change the boundary of the original sites - as detailed here
  4. Start again to map out areas of special character

Appreciate your time,
HopCroft Neighbourhood Forum