Archived on 6/5/2022

Nominate roads for resurfacing

14 Nov '18

Lewisham Council is in the process of deciding on which roads to resurface in the next couple of years (priority is given to the roads in the worse condition).

Your local councillors can put forward roads for consideration (it is then up to the Council to review their condition and decide whether they are indeed a priority). We would like your help in identifying the roads in Forest Hill that particularly need resurfacing. If you’d like to nominate a road, please email me on (ideally including photos).

Many thanks,
Cllr Sophie Davis

14 Nov '18

Hi Sophie… thanks for posting.

Are you only coordinating for Forest Hill Ward? If so do you know who the lead is for Perry Vale Ward?

14 Nov '18

Hi Sophie,

Thank you for engaging on this.

I appreciate that roads are a topical issue, but pavements in SE23 are often, in my opinion, in a far worse condition than the roads which they are next to.

Do you know if there is an equivalent scheme planned for pavements?


14 Nov '18

Agreed, and I’d like to add that I would rather see some of the previously proposed public realm improvements for Crofton Park and Brockley Rise/Honor Oak Park coming to fruition than resurfacing. I suspect these are of a different budget and price tag though…

14 Nov '18

Hi Andy,

Thanks for getting in touch. Yes, I agree that many pavements are also in need of repair (it’s an ongoing issues) - I’ll check with officers whether there is a similar process for this and get back to you.



14 Nov '18

Top of Elliot Bank and the roads off of it could do with some help

6 Dec '18


Sorry for the delay.

Yes, only for Forest Hill but you can contact Perry Vale councillors - their details are here


6 Dec '18

Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who has emailed me about this.

The roads that received the largest number of nominations were Haredon close and Sydenham rise and we have therefore nominated these roads for assessment. This doesn’t mean that these roads will automatically get re-surfaced but that council officers will now undertake an assessment of their condition and determine whether they are a priority (based on a set of criteria) - the roads that are assessed as being the highest priority get resurfaced first. I will receive updates from officers and pass them on here.

Most of the other roads we received emails about were either (1) already included in officers’ list (eg Sydenham Park) or (2) not in Forest Hill (if that’s the case, I have or will pass your email on to relevant councillors).

This process is repeated regularly and we can of course make representations to officers outside of it, so we will be able to nominate more roads.

Finally, I am following up with officers about pavements, and whether a similar process exists (as our pavements are in dire need of repair!).

Many thanks again to everyone for engaging.

Cllr Sophie Davis

6 Dec '18

Thanks for sharing, @SophieDavis :+1: