As a relatively new resident of Lewisham I feel that the borough’s recycling services are less then optimal. But I was still surprised to read that Lewisham’s recycling rates are among the worst in the country. Lewisham seems to only recycle a dismal 18% (2015/16 stats) of household waste, while neighbouring boroughs Southwark and Bromley perform much better with 35% and 46.3% respectively. Not great but much better.
Poking around Lewisham’s website I found the results of a 2015 consultation delivered to the Mayor and Cabinet in February 2016: Let’s Talk Rubbish. Then an interesting article in April 2016 on Lewisham’s plans to role out a new collection system.
From either, I deduct that Lewisham has rolled out the garden waste program which of course comes at an additional cost to householders. But has anyone heard about the proposed plan to separate paper from recycling (81.44% approval) or the introduction of food waste collection (66.59%approval)?
I’m writing to the Council on the topic but did wander if any gurus online had inside information.