Archived on 6/5/2022

Road resurfacing - Ebsworth Street

18 Sep '18

What happens when people don’t move their cars? They have trucks that just move the excess cars right? Do they put them back at the end?

And if there’s a skip on the street (which there is) I’m assuming they just pave around it :smile:

18 Sep '18

Cars get lifted and put in the first local spot the lifting tram can find, the crew doesn’t hang about to put them back after.

The skip should have a permit if it’s on the street which should have taken into account any planned resurfacing works (or any other planned works on the road). Assuming the resurfacing was scheduled a while ago, then the skip permit shouldn’t have been given - although I suspect this requires different arms of the council talking to each other - which may be a fatal flaw in the process.

Regardless - I doubt they’ll shift it, so l assume they’ll with work around it, or stop the re-surfacing short.

18 Sep '18

When they resurfaced Beadnell rd they did it while the building works are ongoing. The hoarding comes right out onto the road preventing any resurfacing of that section so a huge waste of time and they will need to return when it’s built to finish the job.

I don’t hold out much hope of the departments having any idea of what the other is doing…

20 Sep '18

Looks like it won’t be moved. The property is empty.