Our little sister, SE26.life, is rocking some new and hip features that we might like to try out here.
In particular - “tags,” which, alongside categories, help organise similar topics together.
A “tag” is a word or short phrase that can be added to help describe a topic. For example, a topic about a new shop could be given the tag “announcement.”
Here are some examples of how tags can be handy:
“announcement” tag.
If you’d like to be notified when people announce new high street developments or key local events you can set “watching first post” on the “announcement” tag:
“how-to” tag
This tag helps you find all the helpful guides we’ve written on using our forum:
“recommendation” tag
The “recommendation” tag page will show all topics recommending local services, shops and restaurants.
What do you think?
Let us know if you’d like us to bring tagging to SE23.life.
We’d keep things simple for members to begin with - only mods would apply and create tags.
Tags sounds great
It’s a no from me
Don’t mind either way
Other (please comment)
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