Dear All
I am looking to transform my garden from it’s current state of “does anyone actually live there?” to…well, let’s be honest, “it looks like a really lazy, and pretty cr@p, gardener lives there”
I want to do this using as much recycled material as possible, I plan on creating a garden from items that would have normally gone into landfill. My beautifully naive plan requires the following…
Timber - Prefer planks, size not important, just needs to be able to get stained and stay outside, for eternity i.e. pallets etc.
Gravel - Gratefully received
Mirrors - Yup, it’s a small garden… need to make it look bigger and brighter
Bricks - for very un-Trump like activities #usingbricksforgood
And that is it, whilst I await to see what comes forth I shall continue my Pinterest image gathering.
…It’ll be an interesting experiment for sure…