Archived on 6/5/2022

Weekly Digest discussions

31 May '16

I like this idea and I assume @anon64893700 will too :wink: How about you Robert @thirstforwine ?

Pinned topics are minimally intrusive on this forum as the topic automatically unpinned for a visitor when that visitor has read it.

Not at all a comment on @anon64893700’s writing style (which I love), but I wonder if the @Wordsmithsx could (additionally to @anon64893700) get involved in this editorial content in future, so we build a little team around these weekly updates? And perhaps someone graphically-inclined could help by producing a nice montage of relevant images to add a bit of colour to the words?

These topics can be made “wiki” posts - i.e. collaboratively edited, where the version history is audited to show who has contributed.

31 May '16

Great idea @RachaelDunlop , I do indeed like it @anon5422159

Like I say, it was a just a shot in the dark idea at the end of a long weekend, and felt like writing something.
I am sure more thought and structure could go into it, just trying to get a taster of opinions.

More than happy for the @Wordsmithsx to take this over if someone wants to. If not, I am happy to adapt my style.

31 May '16

Let’s just make these digests wiki-posts, and be clear that @Wordsmithsx are welcome to co-edit. No need for you to relinquish ownership - you did a cracking job on the first one and I’m keen to see your next.

31 May '16

@anon5422159 that was my sneaky and polite way of off loading the job, now you have ruined it lol

The layout, text, highlights, images etc could all do with some work. I shall see how much interest this gets over the coming week, and see if it is a worthy project to maintain.

31 May '16

If this is to be the “Last Week on SE23.LIFE” then we need to have fewer replies and comments on the thread and keep it clear as to what is the most recent actual post - otherwise it will be better to start a thread for each week, and then allow comments and reactions - in which case the ‘template’ ought to have a date in it.

31 May '16

Perhaps we can admin-“close” this week’s digest when we publish the next one on Monday 6th, to avoid confusion?

31 May '16

I have created a new category only visible to @Wordsmiths, @admins and @moderators

It’s called “site-editorial” and we can use that to keep notes to use in writing the upcoming weekly digest, and also to help discuss editorial improvements to any textual content across this site and its social media channels

31 May '16

Open to whatever changes are needed.
Maybe we can split this discussion away from the main thread and comments?

Moved to Site feedback to avoid confusion on the thread.