The cafe has had a clear out with a lot of it’s contents in a skip. I’ve been informed that it is shutting down rather than being refurbed. It’s a shame especially as it’s been there for so so long and I hope a decent greasy spoon set up can get back in there ASAP.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Westbourne Cafe no more

2 Nov '21

2 Nov '21
That Cafe had somewhat lost it’s mojo a long while ago. There are much better options locally.

2 Nov '21
Agreed. I didn’t wanna twist the knife but the last occupants had nothing on the people who ran it before them.

2 Nov '21
Ron & Daphne who owned & ran the cafe 50 years ago would be turning in their graves at the way the cafe has declined since their days. At lunchtime you had to queue outside for a table to be vacated it was so popular.

2 Nov '21
Any idea what’s taking its place? (Let’s not start with the fish jokes again )