Archived on 6/5/2022

What do these Pizza table things achieve?

27 May '17

Had a chat with a friend about these tonight & we couldn’t work out any use for them at all!

27 May '17

Only a guess, but I think they protect the pizza when travelling inside a cardboard box (in case something is stacked on top of the box and the box lid gets squashed onto the pizza

27 May '17

It’s obvious they are Barbie tables

28 May '17

Ta Chris, that’s the conclusion we came too but thought it a waste of money (and plastic). :slight_smile:

28 May '17

I use them for hamster tea parties

28 May '17

I’ve always assumed that they make sure that even when it gets damp, the top of the pizza box doesn’t sag and meet the toppings on the pizza. So maybe not entirely useless…

28 May '17

They exist to help people on first dates start conversations. Obviously.

28 May '17

Dating must have changed since my day - ordering a delivery pizza would have seemed a bit forward back then…

28 May '17

:joy::joy: to some of these replies, next time I get any I’ll save one for my dolls house, pass on any extra to friends with hamsters, and save one incase I find the time to go on a date as a conversation piece :rofl::rofl: