I’ve been in there twice and felt it unwelcoming and grubby. How does everyone feel about it becoming a ‘gastro pub’ from September? I’m cautiously pleased, but it would be nice if they keep their ‘craft’ pints below a fiver!

I think the change will be a very welcome addition to the area
I always try everywhere once at least, I tried this place a while ago in it’s current offering & felt very uneasy & out of place & that doesn’t happen to me often, I’m very down to earth & get on with everyone from all walks of life so this is quire unusual for me to feel this way in any of our community establishment.
Hope it does well

I have to say it is not a particuarly welcoming pub in its current guise. It could become a really good asset at the Honor Oak end of SE23 so best wishes to it But yes, I’d like to see prices kept sensible in the bar!

What is the source of it being redeveloped / relaunched as a gastropub?

I have been a customer for many years and I think you are being very unfair saying we are not friendly or welcoming. We are a very friendly bunch just a shame maybe you were not so friendly !!

I’ll reply to this @Michaella I think we are a very friendly bunch on here. Maybe we’ve not had a good experience in the past but I’m sure we’re all willing to try again if you want to arrange a night.
Date & time & I’ll pop in as I’m sure others will @anon5422159

I’m willing to give it a try, absolutely @pauline and @michaela.
Perhaps as part of a wider pub crawl of Brockley Rise up towards Crofton Park. Free Thurs PM?

Have meetings Wednesday & Thursday next week Chris, but could do Thursday from 7.30pm till 8.30/9pm as I won’t have kids on this evening & our community library meeting should be finished by then. So count me in for a definite 7.30 meeting on Thursday if @michaela can make it

It is being developed by a joint venture called Frontier Pubs but not as a gastro pub.

@Michaella Chris and I will be there on Wednesday night to have a beer and see for ourselves. See you there?

Hi sorry this is the wrong Michaella. I have never even been to Chandos. The person you are after spells her name Michaela.

My apologies. I will correct the introduction. Thank you for pointing this out. John

Chris and I will be there on Wednesday night to have a beer and see for ourselves. See you there?

I live very nearby. Loud fight / argument going on at the moment, which isn’t at all unusual. Plenty of swearing.
Personally I hope the change of ownership is true and can’t wait to see it gone.

Just noted that a contractor’s sign has gone up in the window - looks like they’re getting on with it.

How was the visit?

Yup @anon5422159 & @Londondrz how was your night there?

Ah, we thought we’d postpone Chandos till another night when we’d have the pleasure of meeting @michaela. We went to The Signal, and it was very pleasant.

I’ll happily join you guys if I’m able too, to give it another chance!

I believe it has closed now, so you have missed your chance!

OK, so the Chandos (justifiably) didin’t have the best of reputations - living just around the corner I know whereof I speak! - but do we really need yet another gastropub/“bar and kitchen” type establishment in the area?
I can think of a good half dozen or more less than a 15 minute walk from the Chandos.
A proper, welcoming old-style pub would be a genuinely valuable addiiton to the area. They are becoming a rarity nowadays!

It is reopening as a pub - I have confirmation of this.
It is not going to be a gastro pub but a look at the Food & Fuel portfolio is whetting my appetite.

@HonorOakBloke I take your point, but are there really any good pub-with-food type places within 15 mins of The Chandos? The Railway Telegraph wanted to be, but was a bit inconsistent and is going to change, the Honor Oak has issues (discussed elsewhere here) and the Brockley Jack is fairly close to a Wetherspoons for food.
The Signal, Watson’s Telegraph and the Herne are all good but generally very busy - supply isn’t keeping up with demand. The latter two are also the other side of a considerable hill. The closest thing to a pub serving decent food in Honor Oak Park is Donde.

Fair comment, Dave, but if you want food with your drink, added to Donde, the Telegraph (which is supposedly shortly to reopen) & the Honor Oak (which may or may not improve as a result of feedback) you’ve got Jam Circus, the London Beer Dispensary, and if you want to venture as far as Brockley X there’s the Gantry and the Orchard, not to mention the many new eateries that have opened recently.
Compared to that, for your choice of pubs, you now have the aforementioned Brockley Jack, the General Napier and the Wetherspoons at Brockley.
I’ve got no problems with pubs that serve food - I think they’re great: but the recent incarnations of drinking holes in the area have tended more to be places to eat that happen to sell drink.

Agreed with this but a proper pub, which can choose to serve food *, should be a welcoming place for the locals that live there. There is a big gap between Watsons General Telegraph and the (peerless) Blythe Hill Tavern, or the Brockley Jack and the Honor Oak. The Chandos has a great location and historic building but the area has changed while it has not. It desperately needs a makeover - thankfully this is happening.
- the only thing that irritates me with many pubs now is the habit of taking table reservations. This is a pub trying to be a restaurant in my view and doesn’t work without a restaurant licence. It ceases to be a public house.

Apologies to all who wished to meet in the Chandos felt a little overwhelmed and uneasy! Maybe when it reopens our paths will cross there without uneasy feeling x

Just noticed a tiny little notice on the window of the Chandos to change the license to allow a late opening hours. They want to be allowed to serve drinks until 1 AM Monday to Thursday and 2 AM at weekends. Is that even allowed in a residential area ?!?

Any comments on this proposed change of license can be sent by the 29th of July by post or email to the below
London Borough Of Lewisham Second Floor
Laurence House
1 Catford Road
Tel: 020 8314 6400
Email: licensing@lewisham.gov.uk

I’ve emailed them to reject. For anyone else, they need your full address so you may as well include it rather than having to reply to their request later.

The hours do seem out of line from other places in the area and would likely attract people from elsewhere. It may be that Frontier Pubs would not actually open to these hours every day (1am on a Monday seems optimistic) but the hours should not be set at 1am in the week and 2am at weekends. If they were set at those hours I predict a long running post re noise issues.
Mind what are the correct hours? I’d suggest 11/11:30pm Mon to Thu, and Fri/Sat midnight; sun - 10:30pm/11pm.

They also seem to be much later than all their other pubs. Midnight is the latest on Fri/Sat at a few, 11.00pm Mon-Thur. Why are they trying to make this a much later venue than normal pub hours?

You have to wonder… It might be that they’re just trying it to see what happens. I was hoping for a family friendly gastro pub given the demographic of the area, but I’m getting worried it might turn into a late night venue instead. Fingers crossed it doesn’t!

It is not going to be a gastro pub!

Hello all! My names Nancy and I’m the new general manager of The Chandos. Just thought I’d tell you a bit about us, to clear any confusion! We will be re-opening in early September. We’ll be serving great (and mostly local!) beer, fabulous pizzas and showing all of the major sporting events so not a gastro-pub! We’re really excited to be a part of your community and I’m looking forward to meeting you all! If you want to keep updated with our progress and get any sneak peeks then please follow us on Instagram @chandosse23 or on Twitter @chandosSE23

Welcome to the forum, @Nancy, and thanks for sharing this news. SE23 is turning into a real destination for pizza!
Looks like we may have a venue for our September SE23.life meetup
Hope to hear more from you on the forum as the work continues, and looking forward to meeting you in person sometime soon.

Hello! We will definitely be family friendly. We do have a late license but please do not be put off by that! We will always be respectful of our neighbours please pop in when we’re open and say hello!
General Manager
The Chandos

Hi Nancy - will there be a pool table still? Joe

Is it too late to reconsider pizza? The area is so well served already that I think the only way to compete is on price. This will just drive down standards across the board to everyone’s detriment.

Seems a shame as a gastropub in Honor Oak would probably be very popular. However the real gap in the market in Honor Oak is for any pub where everybody feels welcome. Chandos could easily fill this gap in the market and the best way for it to live up to its potential is for local people to go there and buy a drink or two.
But they will have to be good to take on the excellent pizzas available in mamma dough and le querce.

Just a pointer here. …
It’s a pub, showing sports events on TV , servicing alcohol, in a relaxed, casual environment…
It’s not trying to be a fully fledged restaurant, but a pub that serves nice and simple food to keep the patrons tummies full while watching the game, or relaxing with friends.
Good luck with it all Nancy, and thank you for breathing some life back into a dying business.
I’m sure if others are that passionate about a new gastro pub, they will look at opening their own lol

Hi Michael,
We pride ourselves on our genuine hospitality and will always make everyone feel welcome.
We can’t wait to meet you all and be included in your community!

Just a note to say that Honor Oak does already have a child-friendly gastropub - the Honor Oak Pub.
We have a topic on the Honor Oak Pub and there are several complaints on that topic about children running amok there (parents at fault, not the kids).
Seems to me there’s a gap in the market for a nice relaxing pub that focuses on adults (including parents) who want to have a little break from kids for the night.

Thank you Michael.
Look forward to seeing you for a beer soon.

I can tell from the passion in your posts @Nancy
Might even pop in for a Pepsi and a pizza

I still have difficulty accepting that the Honor Oak pub is in Honor Oak. Whereas Chandos is clearly part of the two main shopping streets in Honor Oak.
A family friendly pub should be good for the centre of Honor Oak, I’m just not sure that exclusively pizza is the right food choice. But I’m sure the new owners know what they are doing and I look forward to visiting when it is open. It is the only pub in SE23 that I have never visited.

I struggle to comprehend the importance of the precise location of something. If it is in reasonable travelling distance surely it is local, and that’s all that matters.
Do we really need invisible lines drawn across a single postcode to decide on the worth of a business and its importance within a community
Seriously, does it really matter?
“oh that business can go to hell, it’s in the same postcode but I don’t wish to eat in Forest Hill tonight, I’m going up market to Honor Oak”
Without meaning to pick anyone in particular out, between this forum and TOSS, there is so much crap about the wrong side of the tracks, the wrong part of the postcode, etc, it really annoys the hell out of me, and Ieaves me wondering about this “community”.
Whatever part of the same postcode The Chandos falls under, I once again say well done and best of luck on their venture.

Agreed @anon64893700. Would go even further to suggest that the postcode is of little relevance to a community too.

Agreed mate. 100%

Walking past, it’s starting to look quite smart. Disappointed by the emphasis on sport. They already show a lot of sport at The Honor Oak and it puts me off from going there.

Sport brings the punters in, and keeps them there. Hopefully the right balance can be struck.
But I know exactly what you mean, any rowdy pub puts me off being there, not that I go to them much.

Here here! I hate to be the curmudgeon, but most of the pubs I like in SE23 and the surrounding areas are full of children on weekends.
@Nancy If there must be sport, any chance of limiting it to rugby and Wimbledon?

Sounds to me like a whole group of people have an almost complete business proposition between them. Maybe with the love of gin and home brews, and the requirements of those requiring an HOP establishment to offer the televising of only civilised sports, finest home brews, and gin consumption, a gastropub menu, and control on children…There is a gap in the market for all to jump on.
I look forward to the announcement of “The SE23” soon, along with the forum having its own venue, and obviously private night once a month for meets.

Great plan! Although as I live within 20m of The Chandos, it would have been ideal if we’d snapped up that location!

3… 2… 1… and here’s @Pauline to make it happen:

lol people were too busy talking, the horse bolted.
I’m sure it will happen though

Disappointed that we aren’t going to get a smart gastro pub in SE23. Cant we get something nice like the Watson’s General Telegraph so I don’t have to walk so far?

Hahaha Chris
But on a serious note what about The Capitol as a joint community venture
Though off the top of my head I would image the running costs would be around 150k per year before any profit was made
Rent 85k per year + business rates + utility bills + staff. So probably even more nearer the 200k mark

not beyond the realms of possibility:
I’d question whether the Capitol was a good venue for a pub, though - it felt the “wrong shape” when I went there last with @anon64893700. Would much prefer a Picturehouse cinema, personally.

I think the idea of investing in a community pub is interesting though. Selfishly, I’d prefer it was within a 5 minute stumble of my house though!

I have all the best ideas
The community is welcome to it though lol

I agree, I’d much rather have a cinema there too
And if not a cinema then a theatre/venue

Have you tried the General Napier, The Prince of Wales, The Bird in Hand, The Blythe Hill Tavern, and The Bricklayers Arms? I’m sure they can’t all be full of families enjoying a liquid only diet.

Hi Michael
I’ve been to 4/5 of those, but the “pubs I like” that I was referring to are The Beer Dispensary, WGT, Jam Circus, The Wood House, Sylvan Post and probably some others that I’m forgetting.
I’m not saying that I think these pubs should cater for me specifically, or that kids should be banned, just that I’d appreciate somewhere to have a drink around adults.
I suspect the issue is that there’s a relationship between pubs that I find fun/welcoming, and those that parents feel comfortable taking their kids to.

Hi Matthew,
Not a huge emphasis on sport, just major sporting events. There will always be a spot to relax and drink your beer without having to watch it too!
Please don’t let it put you off us!

Hey Phil,
Sport will just be major sporting events. The bigger football matches, Wimbledon, Ryder cup etc. Etc.

Watson’s GT seems a great pub though I’ve not eaten there. Cocktails are good!
Sport really really puts me off going to a pub but, then again, maybe I’m not the target audience!
I’d love somewhere that’s a cross between Mr Lawrence and the Beer Dispensary. With gin.

Emily I think you might like @FHGinClub

How many screens are we talking :)?

Just two!!

Hi Nancy, I’d just like to say I appreciate you posting on here & answering to questions from members
We’re all a friendly bunch on here, I have in the past posted elsewhere as a trader & got ripped into.
It’s brave to post as a new owner or manager because you never know what will be thrown at you , so for that.
Here I think is very friendly & constructive, with members pointing out gaps in the market in the area & what locals want.
I wish you the very best of luck when you re-open & look forward to meeting you
@anon5422159 SE23.Life September meet up here?
I’ve only been to the old “Chandos” once & had a bad experience, really glad you are trying to turn it around for the local area

Me too. But strangely Picturehouse shies away from using old cinemas.

Bricklayers Arms is great but they don’t serve food.
The FH gin club is my idea of heaven but unfortunately I can’t attend as the ArchieParker does not appear to be disability friendly.

That’s exactly what I suspect may often be the problem. The family friendly pubs are actually the nicest pubs around. When they ban children they lose an important part of their customer base, but more importantly the ethos of the place changes, from welcoming to unwelcoming - and not just to families. It is a bit like some of the issues around Brexit - it is our openness to immigrants that makes our country (certainly our city) so successful and dynamic.
But coming back to the topic (or at least one of the issues that emerged from the original topic), I find that the Dartmouth Arms rarely has children present and is pretty unsuitable for them. It is however a lovely pub with pretty good food. I just wish there was more space in the non-dining section - but then if you are out for a drink and it is too busy you can always try Sylvan Post, The Hill, The Signal, All Inn One, Capitol, Bird in Hand, Perry Vale Bistro - the proximity of pubs in the centre of Forest Hill means that you don’t need to commit to a single pub for the whole evening.
Chandos is in a different situation as the nearest pub is five minutes away and hidden away. In such a situation it is particularly important to be welcoming to all customers - a family friendly pub, and I look forward to it opening again with this ethos soon.

Yes, it’s time to sound the CINEMA KLAXON!!!

Hi Nancy.
I think it’s really nice of you to post here and find out the wants/needs of locals.
I’m a single, childless, working woman, late-twenties and live close by. Like football, gin and socialising (& occasionally trying to stay healthy) and love SE London and my local area. This is what I would personally like to see but I do realise you’ll be catering to a large and varied local population so you have a tough job ahead of you…
1 - nice selection of gins please.
2 - I love Bevertown brewery beers so please do consider their range when choosing your beer selection.
3 - often, when I manage to persuade my north-london living boyfriend (north London - booo!) to come spend a weekend in the beautiful SE, we get the last overground home on a Friday night and would like a nightcap on the way home but often there isn’t anywhere open.so a place for a friendly night cap on a Friday night would be good.
4 - I agree with some earlier posts that a) we already have a great selection of pizza on HoP and b) Asian cuisine is distinctly lacking. I know in the last few years it’s become quite en vogue for pubs to serve Thai food (my favourite example being the Old Eagle in Camden). When it’s done well it’s a great partnership - pubs and good Thai food!
5 - a good but slightly alternative and a little competitive pub quiz.
6 - board games
Hope that helps, I’ll keep racking my brains and thank you again.
As for those discussing community venture at the Capitol - a cinema would be amazing! That’s the only thing the local area seems to lack. I don’t know how viable it would be. One hybrid idea might be to have a small boutique screen in there, something like the milkwood in herne hill and show some great retro/cult movies!! I often look at the beautiful building and wish it could be restored to former glory even if just externally.

Hi Laura!
Lovely post thank you. So in answer to a few of your points…
- I love gin too, there’ll be gin!
- Beavertown is also a favourite of ours and we’ve just selected Gamma Ray to be on our bar upon opening!
- We will be opening until midnight on the weekends to start with…
- Pizza is a done deal, but it is fabulous so no worries there!
- We are looking into a pub quiz at the moment, not sure what day yet though!
- I’ve just ordered board games
Seems like you and The Chandos will almost be a perfect match!!


@Nancy I just wanted to say, the way you have interacted with the users on the forum is truly fantastic. Given that there is no business actually open yet, but opinions are already being formed on its success, your level of courtesy and professionalism is fab. If the pub is anywhere near as good as you, it will be brilliant I am sure.
As I have said before, I’m no pub regular, but I will sure as hell make a few visits to check the pizza out.
One (genuine) question… Pepsi or Coke ? cringe

That’s very kind!
I was on site today and all I can say is it’s very exciting!
In answer to your question…

It was all going so well, and you lost me, just like that! lol
Coke indeed! Pfft.
Just make sure that pizza makes up for the disappointment of the beverages.

Never understood why in the business of craft beers and spirits we continue to line the oceanic pockets of those two ccola brands. There are other caffeinated carbonated brown liquids.
Dalston Cola from London for instance. Or Fritz Cola served at Brewdogs and Hermann Ze German.

I guess it’s because of people like me who have my preferences
With beers there is a movement over to trying smaller breweries etc, a strong one at that, with even supermarkets getting in on stocking them.
For soft drinks, they are what they are, the supply is there, the flavour is known, and people know which they prefer.
Plus a lot are probably tied in with other business arrangements.

Soon come, to Brockley. Almost exactly how you described.

Might as well drink Fosters then.

Eeew, alcohol! lol
I will stick with the softies.

Can you get Settlers of Catan?!

As somebody who used to frequent the Chandos i wish you all the best. Hopefully you will not stray too far from what made this such a good pub.

Here’s a question. Is it pronounced Chandos like Nandos or Chandos like (Luther) Vand®oss?
Live close. Always wondered.

Or Kandos… cause the H is silent.

I have never heard anybody pronounce it like Nandos, always Vandross.
I believe Nandos is pronounced like Mamma Dough’s, only a generation older.

Cheeky Chandos
We pronounce it like vandross. We like both nandos and Luther vandross though so no bother!

This confusion has only arisen due to the fact that Nandos has dropped the apostrophe. Don Nando will be upset.

Probably in a reaction to society dropping it in the famous phrase “fancy a cheeky Nandos”
In reality, dropping an extra character from all signage must save some money along the line surely?
Like BA and their olive !
(I’m kidding of course)

Someone shoukd check with Tommy.

Perhaps. Don’t have source to hand but thought it was more in connection with this:
Would make some sense as the Honour of Gloucester extended as far as One Tree Hill. There is also a resemblance with the pub sign though I realise that is not conclusive!

Just twigged that if that is the right peer, then Wikipedia has the pronunciation ‘Shann-doss’ or ‘Shon-doss’. Which stacks up with the French origin. Ooh la la.

Strangely just been for a visit at Rochester Cathedral and there is a Duke of Chandos memorialised here.

I think it’s a big shame the food is going to be pizza, was there any market research done? (Apologies if you’ve had this discussion before, the thread is very long). We now have a plethora of pizza places in the area, would be nice to see something new (and pizza in a pub really doesn’t appeal and won’t draw me to the place). I personally think this is a big missed opportunity. I think Thai in a pub works well (and a decent Thai is very much lacking in the area, particularly since the demise of Smiles in Brockley) but understand if the aim is to keep the menu simple. In which case - chicken! Something along the lines of The Chicken Shop (hipster Nandos). Can’t go wrong with that, if you add a veggie option - and I think would draw people to the area (as I don’t think ED even does hipster chicken yet). Good for lunch, dinner, adults and kids, simple menu and good pub food (like chicken in a basket in the 80s). Other options would be Kati Rolls (a la Kati Roll company, simple and delish) or BiBimBap (dead simple and delish, however those hot stone bowls may be a liability in a pub admittedly). Another option - a bit hipsterish perhaps - is to have pop-ups. I’m sorry but I just don’t think pizza is gonna work - it’s not offering anything new. Diatribe Over.

Oh No! - what happened to Smiles? I used to love that place but haven’t been for ages.
Pizza in a pub seems an odd choice to me too but it seems to be a done deal so I wish them well with it.

Give them a chance!

Hello Lin.
I’m sorry you feel like it’s a missed opportunity but please believe me when I tell you a lot of work has gone into our pizza and they taste A-MAZ-ING.
Look forward to seeing you for a taste when we open!

I’m not really sure what that is, but I know for sure that all of our pizzas will be available gluten free… Does that fit in with the diet?!
Thanks for your support x

Looking good @Nancy

So what’s the USP on your pizzas? Why would people come to you rather than all the other (5?) pizza options in the area?

I’ll do what like, and express my opinion, thanks (and all the snide likes noted - is that how it is on here, mob rule?)

Smiles closed down a few years ago, big loss to the area, SE is very much lacking in decent Thai (can’t think of anywhere SE in fact). Plenty of pizza places though!!

Fast, fresh and seasonal ingredients.
All available gluten free.
Made lovingly by our fab team, add to that a local beer and a relaxing environment.
That’s us in a nutshell.

Looking very fancy @Nancy lol
I would have suggested a slightly lighter shade of green to contrast with the dark bar ,and some ceiling fans, and some more wall lights, and adding another window…
Oh no, hang on I’m talking rubbish and trying to take over…
So when can I get my hands on one of these pizzas? Serving all day too?
Oh and a diet coke , urrrgh lol
Quick serious question @Nancy, what is the pricing (roughly) on the pizza’s?

I would say a pub selling pizza isn’t that common, so its nice to have simple finger food, while relaxing in an informal environment, and chatting with friends, maybe while watching some sport.
For some it is almost the equivalent of sitting around the TV with a few mates with a takeaway pizza, but without the mess in the house.

Hi @Lin and welcome to the forum. Just a little reminder of the community guidelines:

There will be a break on food between 3-5pm but on the weekends food will be served all day!
Still finalising pricing, so can’t comment on that yet I’m afraid!

3-5, my favourite time to have a pub meal, typical lol (just kidding)
I thought you might say that about the pricing, I shall keep my fingers crossed I can afford a pizza AND a drink

Yes, exactly, freedom of speech (unless you’re not a fan of pizza joint number 6!)

I agree with Lin, I think its an opportunity lost as the area is very well covered for pizza but lacks so many other types of food offering (such as Thai, and also the chicken as described would have been great too). I think the pub looks fantastic and I will certainly come in for a few beers, but variety is what an area needs and its a shame that was not considered…

I thought it very rude to be told “Give it a chance!” when I was expressing my opinion and coming up with constructive feedback and suggestions for the local area. I preferred Nancy’s (more polite and more useful) response that pizza was a done deal and explaining what she’s bringing to the area.

@Lin I grabbed a selection of earlier posts of people who also share your concerns re the choice of pizza. Just in the interest of fairness and balance, I know you said you had not read the whole post, so, voila

I think the give it a chance was a light hearted, follow up reply on a matter previously discussed, I don’t think @Phil meant to cause offence. As you can see, you are not the first to mention the matter.

Thanks Jerry - I was feeling a bit alone!!

Ah - that got a bit out of hand! I didn’t mean to cause offence or be rude to anyone - I just thought it a bit mean to pull apart someone’s new business plan a week before they open.
I’m a huge fan of Mama Dough and go about once a week, but firmly believe that competition can only be good for the area.

New cross house seems to do well with Pizza.
Huge margins on it too, of course.

Which I’m sure is why so many places are doing it!!

I also think it is an odd decision to serve pizza but that is the business plan so let’s see what comes of it. Frankly any development that makes this a welcoming place is a godsend. I just hope it delivers and it could become my local - best of luck @Nancy

Without wishing to flog a dead horse my two cents for what it’s worth is that a pizza restaurant that happens to offer beer (such as Mama Dough) is quite a different proposition to a Pub that happens to offer pizza (such as The Chandos). As an example, I LOVE burgers and spend much of my time searching for the best burger in London. When doing so I will visit restaurants such as Patty & Bun, Honest Burger, Bleaker St Burger, Byron etc. These all serve beer (I think) but I regard them as Burger restaurants and that’s why I go there, I may or may not have a beer while I’m there. Often when I’m in a pub I will order a burger (most pubs tend to serve burgers and many of them do a good job), but I rarely if ever go to a pub specifically for a burger. I go because I want a pint or to socialise and generally enjoy the atmosphere in a pub (which for my money is completely different than the atmosphere I would expect in most restaurants).
So that’s just a long way of saying that I don’t really see what the Chandos is proposing as direct competition (not that direct competition is necessarily a bad thing anyway, as people have noted). However, I do also agree with posters who’ve suggested that in an ideal world, given there is already terrific pizza available in Honor Oak (and Forest Hill), it might have been preferable to residents to have a different option, perhaps Thai or something. But that’s a decision for the management, they’ve gone with pizza, and I hope they are successful and receive a warm welcome. Judging by Nancy’s contribution here so far I’m sure they will be.

If you are out in a group and not everyone wants to eat (which I find does happen), its easier if you are in a pub that serves food.
Whereas if you are in a restaurant, it’s tricky if not everyone is eating. So I agree they are different propositions.
I think as a general rule it’s quite sensible for catering businesses to start off with simple menus done well, and then build on it once they have found their feet and seen what is most popular. I also think that for a pub the service and atmosphere are more important than anything else so looking forward to trying it out!

People keep saying there is no decent Thai in SE. Thai Crystal in Crystal Palace is excellent, and Thai Orchard in FH is ok too.

Notwithstanding I gather the Chandos would like focus on simple and quick.

Not sure it screams football to me, but I’m not aficionado on pubs and hardly ever go to them. Nice to see the name back. Missed that completely when I drove past just now.

Hi Matthew.
We are first and foremost a pub, a pub that shows key sports games (like most pubs do!). Our Tv won’t be on constantly, and our small projector for only large games/Wimbledon/rugby etc. Games.
Sounds like you might be put off us before we’re even open! Please pop by when we are open and let me try and change your perception of us.

We have 15 beer taps… A fair few local to London, including Brockley brewery just down the road.
If you’re not a beer drinker then plenty of delicious wines, spirits and lots for the non drinkers too.
Our aim is to provide a home from home for the community. A place to meet friends, to escape the family (!), to enjoy WITH your family or if you’re by yourself and just fancy a chat!
I will be on site now from tomorrow onwards, training our team and getting things ready. If you walk past and see me hanging around then please come and introduce yourselves.
We open to the public on September 7th.

Looking forward to meeting you. Could you add a profile pic so we know it’s you?

I’m really looking forward to this. As a few people say above, a pub which serves a pizza is a very different proposition to a pizza place which serves beer.
The Gowlett over the hill in ED was a great example of this sort of place. Quick, unfussy, flexible and easily-varied pub food which works well with a beer.
Good luck @Nancy. I look forward to the reopening of the pub.

I thought that, but it seems to be the font used for a lot of their pubs.
They look pretty good to me!

You have me with that! Good luck - we will be there on the 7th

A link to the photos and comments from the preview evening:
Chandos looks like it’s gonna be a hit. Well done @Nancy!

Couldn’t agree more!
I’m sure one of us will do a full write up soon. Might need another pizza or two to be sure though lol

What! You 2 never dropped me off a pizza to try @anon5422159 @anon64893700 bloody shocking

If we had ordered more, it would not have been shared at all! Harsh but true.
I’m sure you will be there soon to try for yourself.

Seen as you two greedy guts polished off the pizza without sharing with me I’ll have to go try it for myself @Nancy I’ll be seeing you soon probably with older kids in tow

Today is the big day, so just wanted to wish @Nancy and all at the lovely new look Chandos, all the best on your opening day. I will be sure to stop by again very soon.
Anyone going there tonight or in the near future, I look forward to hearing what you thought too.
Oh and try the pizzas, seriously!

Going along tonight with the other half and the kids and meeting Chris. Do pop along, would be good to meet up.

I think I might pop up for a quick one and some brisket pizza - if I can summon the energy!

Anyone have a number for The Chandos, Google is letting me down?

What sort of time you planning on being there @Londondrz ? I may pop in for a Cinqo
Be good to meet you too, but then if @anon5422159 sees this, he might come too sigh lol
Good choice! That’s what I had. Might see you there.
Still a lot of old data for them on Google, FB etc. Have tweeted them, or maybe @Nancy will see this

Just drove past… Looks rammed!

It was rammed and very hot. I cant complain about the heat though, it was great, pizza was very good and the staff were outstanding for their first night! @Nancy was very nice and managed a moment to say Hi.
One note, no kids after 7pm due to licensing. This is one I want to remember when I need a kid free pub because a small amount of kids plus the loud music made for quite a racket last night until kid kicking out time.
And before you all start having a go, both my kids were there.
In a rush to get the kids to school so brief write up.
I really liked the fact that there seemed to be new faces and regulars in last night. One of the concerns was that the regulars would be pushed out after the change. I certainly didnt look that way. The decor was great, not the sterile pub refits you normally get these days, old furniture really well tidied up and in it’s place. The little garden was great and although we were not able to sit out there I shall be making a bee line for it next time. Good range of beers and Mrsldrz enjoyed her gin and bitter lemon!
In short, we will be going back.
@Nancy, I salute you and your fantastic staff.

Sounds great @Londondrz … I never made it there - too tired to contemplate a hot and busy pub so settled for a beer in the garden but I will be popping in soon.

Those are such kind words. Thank you so much for coming. We look forward to seeing you in the garden soon!!!
N x

@Nancy, my other half had the five cheese pizza, she really really doesn’t like goats cheese but as it was really busy, and I hate to make a fuss, we asked politely if it could be excluded. It couldn’t so we went for it anyway.
Revelation! She ate it all. Convert!!!
BTW, I dont like goats cheese and a white base just seems weird. Another convert, it was superb!!

Amen to that, its fantabulous ! Cinqo Cinqo Cinqo !!
I can’t wait to have another one lol. Well a whole one to myself this time, instead of sharing @anon65350507 one.

So when I said I thought pizza an odd choice in a pub I was talking rubbish. just got back after a few lovely beers and a great pizza. The Chandos is a great addition to se23, great selection of beers, good good pizza, staff seem genuinely interested in what they are doing and a great general ambience. I actually felt welcome and the bar staff were attentive without being weird about it.
I think if they can keep it up then they will become a bit of a landmark…
Do try the Beavertown Neck Oil

Kudos Nick for making that statement. I agree fully though, amazing environment and the pizza…

Yes! So glad to hear that. Sorry to have missed you, night off! look forward to meeting you soon.

I remembered this post and thought you’d like to know that our next event will be at The Hill which I hope is more accessible for you.

Thank you very much. Would like to attend. How do I pay for a ticket without a PayPal account?
Am assuming event is on ground floor level and not in downstairs function room at the Hill?

I can’t actually remember which area they said we could have so I will double check and let you know.
With the paypal thing you should be able to checkout just using your card details without a paypal account. If you cant then let me know and I will come up with another solution.

Thank you. Tried several times but couldn’t do it.
Will wait for you to get back to me regarding which part of venue you’ve been given.

It’s in the main bar at the front so easily accessible.
With paypal, once you’ve filled in your details on the gin club website and clicked pay now you will be redirected to the paypal website. There you can ‘checkout as a guest’ which wont require you to have a paypal account.

Thank you.
Now paid £7 for 6 December.
Looking forward to the gin experience !

Just joined as well and bought another ticket on behalf of a friend.

Went there this evening about 6 and asked for a Jack Daniels. I met the most surly barmaid ever! The man behind the bar interacted with me and said they had run out of JD. So I asked the woman what lager they had, only to be met with a blank look. I decided by looking at the labels. I asked if they took Amex and woman said no. I then proceeded to say I am sure when I went there last time they did accept Amex but you could not use contactless and had to enter a pin, but I said it was not a problem as I had another card. The woman then said to the barman this customer is arguing that we take Amex. The barman explained that was the case but not since they had the new card readers. If that woman is reading this then just to say you are in the wrong job. Some interaction and customer service is needed for the job. The customer did not argue but questioned. I drank up very quickly and went to the Brockley Jack for a JD. The lighting in the Brockley Jack is too bright but bar staff friendly and cheaper prices also. The barman at the Chandos had some skills in interacting but I do wonder what the recruitment process is to employ someone like that barmaid. I won’t be going to the Chandos again.

@Michael_Morgan Really surprised by this. Been there twice with Mrsldrz who is from a hospitality background and we were mega impressed with the staff.

Also quite taken aback by this review as I found Chandos staff really friendly and efficient on all three of my visits.

I was in the Chandos for a quick pint last night and if pushed I might say that they were slightly off their game but nothing that gave me any worries. I think I know the bartender in question, she looked new to me and wasn’t the happiest face but if that is the surliest barmaid ever then I think someone needs to get out more - she just looked ever so slightly our of her depth to me. We all have to learn on the job.
I walked by the Honor Oak on the way to the Chandos - there were more people outside the latter (having a fag) than there were in the former. Looks like the new operation has its work cut out.

Anyone know if they’re serving sloe gin at the moment?