Hi Folks. Our washing machine has suddenly decided to spring a leak and we can’t find an obvious cause. Can anyone recommend someone to look at it/repair if possible? Thanks.
Washing machine repair

Hi Billie, you may find some of the recommendations here are relevant: Dishwasher repair?

Thanks very much Chris. Will contact the spin doctor.

We have used Sergio, he was recommended by a number of people on Mummy’s Gin Fund. A man of few words, he was a life saver and sorted us out pronto…and we didn’t have to sell a kidney to pay for it. 07973 518 587

Thanks very much for your suggestions. However we established we’d had this one nine years so John Lewis sorted us out on Saturday.

Our just out of warranty washer-dryer has today stopped drying… not ideal with two muddy young kids and slow inside drying over winter.
Any recommendations that won’t charge the earth for what I hope is a quick fix?

I only ever hear one name mentioned in this situation… ‘The Spin Doctor’
I have no experience of him, but is often recommended on SE23 Mums facebook. I looked it up against his phone number and this is the website https://londonspindoctor.com

Everyone says Spin Doctor here too: Washing Machine Repair
Let us know how you get on @pea and it you are totally stuck we could probably do you a load or two!

That’s very kind! Luckily we have a dehumidifier going to speed things along at the moment but there is nothing quite like the first world struggle of pegging up 30 pairs of socks

Our washing machine door latch is broken and won’t open. I’ve tried various suggestions I found online (checked the filter, checked it’s fully drained, resetting, the string trick/credit card trick etc.) but to no avail. And it feels looser than usual so it’s definitely the latch and not a fault with the electrics. I usually use The Spin Doctor as he is amazing. But he’s on holidays.
Before I start going through Checkatrade, does anyone have a local repair service recommendation other than The Spin Doctor?