I can’t believe it
RIP Stefania

There are some flowers placed where the lady sits under the passageway. Does anyone know if she’s OK, or not OK? Concerning.

I spoke with her a few weeks ago. Smiling as usual but she did not look healthy. But I haven’t seen her since. I’m going to hope for the best.

Oh no !! Hope she’s ok… she definitely isn’t healthy and hasn’t been for a very long time. My son likes us to buy food for her sometimes. She’s never asked for anything from anybody I know.

Oh that’s a worry! I’ve bought food for her before, a couple of times I asked her what she wanted and bought it was she had gone by the time I got back about 10 mins later which though really annoying was also a concern as I wouldn’t have thought she would go knowing there was some food coming.

There was group of people laying flowers when I went past an hour ago, they were talking about it being sad news. Doesn’t look great but hopefully I’m wrong.

Oh no

There was a much younger girl sat there sobbing yesterday or the day before. She kinda looked like a younger version of the lady that normally sits there.
Today there are flowers and a burning candle.

She has died apparently. Someone on the underpass told me she had an operation for a blood clot in the leg and didn’t survive the operation due to infection. Her name was Stephanie. Extremely sad.

Last time I saw her was a couple of weeks ago. She was harmless and always polite to me.
Really sad news.

God bless her such a lovely girl. RIP

This is tragic. I’ll always remember the help she’d offer to carry bags and prams up the stairs. She gave kindness. I was so often happy to see that kindness returned.

Absolutely horrid news. RIP.

This is so sad. She was always so friendly, one of the first friendly faces of forest hill I got to know after moving here last year.
Very sad reading the negative posts above before this in contrast to the news. People end up homeless for many reasons and the death of this young woman reiterates the failures of a system that are supposed to protect us in hard times.
RIP Stephania

RIP- she seemed like such a lovely woman. Feel awful for her family.

Thank you @ForestHull for creating a new thread and moving these tributes. There was much chat about this last night at the All In One and particularly among people who knew Stefania and her individual story.
Congratulations on promotion to moderator.

Actually @Kirsty_Maslen created the new topic, I just renamed it a little and split the posts that made sense.
I’m not a moderator, I just have sufficient trust level to be able to help organise things as others have too. And I was not at the All In One or aware of such discussion, but glad others independently shared the same kind thought.

Very sad.

Very sad news.

This is such sad news.
Steph was such a beautiful soul , she always made time for my son, answering his seven year old, sometimes inappropriate questions with grace and humour! She would take an interest in our lives, when I’ve no doubt she had a lot going on in hers.
Stephania would help others selflessly with their bags and prams, always put on a smile to greet you and never expect anything in return.
We would laugh over the perks of parenthood as my son would stomp past on a bad day, she to me, was selfless and you could feel the heart of gold she had radiate from her.
Passing through the subway this morning and seeing the tributes and passers by, that are usually racing through to catch their trains , stopping and taking a moment to remember Steph , was surreal, for no use of a better word. It’s indicative of the lives she touched and the spirit of our community here.
I wish there was a way that could be passed onto her family in Italy - to know she was noticed and remembered with kindness. That people cared because she was a lovely person.
Rest in Peace Stephania xxxx


How about a perminant mural for her where she used to sit?

Beautiful idea… How do we start?

So, so sad to hear about Stephanie… Does anyone know if she will have a funeral?

This is extremely sad - I had no idea until I saw the tributes this morning, and they knocked me for six.
I’d like to make a donation to any organisation that might have given her support throughout her difficult times. Does anybody know if she ever got help from a particular charity or support scheme?

If Stefania’s funeral is in the UK, it would be good to post details here. I am sure that a lot of Forest Hill folks would attend, as Stefania was very much part of the community.

May she rest in peace now. Whilst it’s sad, I do feel a bit of relief that she can rest in peace. And i felt the same about people in my own family who suffered long term mental health or physical problems they couldn’t recover from.

Like so many others, I am absolutely devasted about this news, she was in such pain with her knee earlier this week. Its the first time I’ve seen her cry - wish I’d hugged her rather than just wipe away her tears.
I passed thorugh the subway earlier and think I heard someone say that her family back home have been made aware. It would be wondeful to know if there is a fund set up for her funeral or her family.
She was so proud of this video:
It’s a hard watch but worth a like?

Thanks for this, it is a beautiful video, i can see why she was proud. Although it made me cry at work!
I’m hoping there’s some way we can pay tribute be it a fund, mural, service etc., it is a great loss to the local community.

Thank you so much for sharing this. I saw Stefania on most days for the past few years, and she was always so happy, caring, loving, and generous with her smile, despite the personal challenges, pain and suffering she was going through. This video is heartbreaking (it made me feel even closer to her), but so important, as it shows that the life she had is one shared by many, and that she is still a ‘normal’ person who deserved love, compassion and time - not someone to be ignored, or judged for her ‘choices’. no one can ever know what she was going / had went through, and none of us are ever in a position to stand tall over others and judge them. I only heard the news today, and I felt a depth of sadness as if for a very close friend, even though we only had casual chats, exchanges pleasantries, cigarettes and often some Ferfect Chicken (of course) and the occasional drunk hug on the way back from the Dartmouth arms. She was a beautiful person. May you have every happiness in the next life, or wherever you are now.x

Such sad news, she was always so lovely and sweet in all our interactions. She will be missed. RIP Dear Stefania

Dear Team
I read on the thread that someone was hoping to make a donation to a charity that was ‘close to Stefania’. When I was walking home last night I met two representatives from Thames Reach – a charity for the homeless – I understand from
them that they had been assisting with Stefania’s case. Perhaps we could list this charity on the email thread.
Thanks, Rose
Rose Harding
Southwark Cathedral

Thanks for sharing Rose

I think it would be worth fact-checking this - it was late in the evening and Thames Reach were attempting to resolve the rough sleeping activity around the Library.

gotcha - if ok wt all I will put it on my to do for when they are manning the phones

Two PCSO’s are looking after the shrine to Stefania on the subway this evening and are talking to commuters and residents about what happened.

Really heartbreaking. I only learnt this morning, and really moved by the tributes. I saw Steph, perhaps on Tuesday, and she said she had fallen off the stairs and injured her knee. While I was speaking to her, two men came along, and said they will accompany her to the hospital. I am not sure if they went then or later.
I didn’t know Steph much; we exchanged smiles and had brief chats, but it felt like there was a connection.
Will be looking out for updates on funeral / mural / donations.

Hi EVERYONE, Stefania passed away this week after complications with an operation, she was dearly loved by this community, so thanks for starting the blog.
Here is an update which hopefully will help those of you who want to support her.
Thank you for the link Michael.
I will keep in touch via this blog, today I met with Penny (A local Forest Hill resident with Italian heritage) at Canvas and Cream to see if we could come up with ideas to support a way to acknowledge Stefania’s memory.
We met with the Catholic Church Vicar Ed and two local community MET police who knew her well. This was as much a shock to them as to us, so please understand that they are doing their best to support the situation.
After the discussion with the Vicar Ed, it looks like a "Go fund me " page will be set up to help with the funeral expenses.
Once I have this link I will place it here, plus, Nextdoor…Perryvale blog. Thank you for coming into dialogue, there are so many people that want to ensure that Stefania is given a final resting place, plus, we want to support her family in Italy if they are interested. There may be other ideas or things that will happen in the community to celebrate her life, so once I know more, I am happy to share. Best wishes Debbie

This film is really an insight into life when it gets tough. Thanks for sharing. I think that would be great to do a mural, perhaps find out if you need permission. I’d love to see something in the underpass, but, not sure if OK?

I was thinking to do a mural of her name on the betting shop ? Over the old one

@debville1 thanks so much for sharing - I feel that we have al been at a loss to know what to do for the best

Thank you for sharing this
Your right, a little hard to watch but at the same time so real - it doesn’t hold back.
Nobody is on this thread trying to glamorise Steph , or the sad situation she found herself in.
What I want to celebrate and remember was - that amongst all of the hardship, she maintained a great and kind spirit - to echo my previous comments - she was a gem. Steph cut down boundaries and allowed you see the human behind the chaos, something we could all take note from x

I felt so moved yesterday, I was overcome with emotion, since it doesn’t take much to end up in a bad space. Life is hard for some, but she had an amazing connection with so many of us, I felt it when I was in the underpass today, so many people wanted to understand. As we see in the film her life was definitely challenging. She will always be a special lady in my heart. Let’s keep her memory alive, when the time comes please consider helping with the fundraising so her family and our community can celebrate her life, plus, mourn the loss of one so dear. I love the warm tributes to her where she sat, they show an outpouring of love for someone who was a part of our community. Let’s keep her memory fresh, contribute where and when we can. May she RIP…x

Hi Deb,
Thank you so much for what you have accomplished thus far - I’m sure this is something many will want to get behind so please keep us updated - I’m happy to help in any way I can x

A usual passing smile on Wednesday returning from work, as per countless times before, and then flowers and tributes today. A poignant reminder of the brevity of life and the hardships that are endured… The video shared above was really amazing to see so thank you for sharing. RIP.

Hi, I will send updates when possible, but I am dependent on a few other people to let me know when the “go fund me” page is ready. I will share once I know anything further. I appreciate that we do want to make sure she is not forgotten.

So sad and so unexpected. Will be hard not seeing her lovely smile on the way to work. I hope her family and friends find this thread and know how much she will be missed, by so many people in Forest Hill. RIP x

I know her she was a good person and I helped her out with my mum RIP.

Thank you to whoever organised this go fund me account. It’s warming to feel the love of the community I’ve lived in for many years.

So in the interest of making sure we are all on the same page are we all going for this go fund me link ? X

Thanks ChrisBeach it’s already gaining a lot of support

A link to a “go fund me” page…this has been sent to me…I don’t know the people who set it up, but the funds are protected, they have outlined what the money will be used to support.
I trust many of you have already seen this link, but here goes once more:

My girlfriend and I knew Stefania very little in reality, but the little we knew her was enough to bring tears to our eyes on hearing that she passed away. A special soul lost. RIP Stefania

Hi Chris, has this link been verified, since I was expecting the Vicar to set up a go fund me page. I don’t know Clare on FB, so people are asking for confirmation that they are giving to the right group. Thanks Debbie

Hi @debville1 that’s a fair question. I checked Clare’s profile on FB and it’s established and looks genuine. But I have no means to verify this crowdfunder beyond that, I’m afraid.
Also, I’ve not encountered any other crowdfunder yet and I do keep my ear constantly to the ground on local social media.
Did you have any specific concerns about Clare’s crowdfunder campaign, aside from the fact another crowdfunder was due to be set up?

Hi, I do believe many of us are concerned as we don’t want the money to be used for anything other than what has been stated. I did give a small donation since I don’t know and people are relying on me to do the right thing. I have just had verification by text, the Vicar (I met him today) while with the MET, he knows Clare, so to avoid confusion THEY DECIDED that one page was best. It looks authentic. So please spread the word. Thanks Debbie

I, like many of us here, had a warm relationship with Stefania and it’s heartwarming during these very tragic times to know that so many people in the wider community really cared for her. More than anything I would love for her family - and especially her two children - to know how much she was a part of our community. I feel this would be a fitting legacy for her but I have no idea how to go about this. An earlier message in this thread suggested that her family might be aware but it would be lovely to follow up on this if at all possible. It might give her family and kids some comfort to know how much she was loved locally x

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So sad. Always a warm smile, will miss her presence.

Our Mission
The Whitechapel Mission has been serving the homeless and marginalised for 143 years – including a day centre, skills training and career advice, activity programmes and specialist support for complex needs. By encouraging each person to address the issues which caused their homelessness, we help them to gain the skills and confidence to make lasting changes in their lives.
We believe everyone deserves a chance, regardless of their background, race or religion.
We are open every day of the year and expect to see as many as 300 homeless and vulnerable men and women each day. And we do this without public funding.
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We pledge to be open every day and pledge to make a difference for as many people as possible.
But, only if you can pledge to support us.

Now also picked up by The Independent:

Stefania is mentioned in this poignant Guardian article:

July 3rd marked the first anniversary of Stefania’s death. I noticed a small memorial (sign, candle and flowers) had been placed in the underpass when I went through on Saturday.
An update on the Stefania’s Memorial Fund was posted on the gofundme page on Saturday. It also notes a website though that hasn’t been updated yet.

I see that Stephania’s memorial is marked by an tatty A4 print out I’m the underpass. So I was right about having a beautiful murial all along

Has there been any further movement on a mural, does anyone know? I for one think it would be a fitting memorial.