Anyone know what the incredibly loud music that seems to be emanating from somewhere behind the Sylvan Post is? We can feel it two streets away coming through our walls.
Very loud music on Dartmouth Road

Update. Still going on, Met Police (frustratingly but understandably) unable to help and Lewisham environmental control dept doesn’t work weekends. Definitely emanating from a house behind the Sylvan Post.

I was wondering the same. Think it’s one of the houses behind the job centre. I can’t hear myself think. Someone with a soundsystem I think as it’s not distorting even though it’s so incredibly loud. P!ssss me off when people think everyone else wants to hear them DJ.

Sorry to hear that. I can see one of the large speakers and people in the garden of the house bordering the small estate behind Sylvan Post. It must be absolute hell if you close by. We’re on the other side of Dartmouth Road and can hear it in our home.
Horrible behaviour and sadly outside of the remit of our council. I even contacted Southwark Council on the advice of the Met Police who were sympathetic but couldn’t help.

It’s going to be a long night! Thanks to the selfish party people

Outrageous that nothing can be done. A prime example of anti-social behaviour and a total lack of consideration. Situations like this can lead to inflamed confrontations and all that can follow from that.

It is absolutely WITHIN the remit of the Council, actually their responsibility. They have decided, however, that noise enforcement is something optional that can be cut.

Finally stopped shortly after 11pm - hopefully calls to police by us and others may have led to them stopping by for a not-so quiet word.

I’m not sure but I think on weekends you can effectively play music as loud as you like until 11pm - so even if Lewisham council had a team that actually operated during the hours you need them, it would likely not have been much different.
However I do wonder if their is a limit on sound volume / equipment that can be used even before 11pm.

But this was at Glastonbury levels - hugely antisocial behaviour.

I’m not arguing with you to be clear - I agree. I am just wondering if there is an actual limit to the sound if it is before 11pm.

It’s safe to assume they do not send out any letter unless you have evidence to the contrary.
Unless the police tell you they will attend, I think safe to assume they will not.
I think that a judicial review would find that Lewisham Council is in breach of its obligations.

They used to lend out noise recording machines.

This was someone that I know that had a one off party and all was done by 11pm. I honestly don’t see what the problem was on a Saturday night when pubs are open anyway, they turned down the music at a certain time too. I have witnessed loud music in the middle of the night on D Rd on a week day which kept me up during the night when I had work in the morning and my son up when he had School in the morning (3/4am)
I didn’t witness or hear this music but from what I know it was turned off at 11pm so don’t see why this can be anti-social.
Anti-social people wouldn’t give a damn about the time.
This is only my opinion but lets get this in perspective to someone that would have this going on all night long or the person that stopped their yearly party music at a decent time on a Saturday night.

Pauline the problem is the music sounded like a commercial dj apparently playing with full speakers at a very high volume in their garden from the afternoon onwards. No one knew what time of night it might end. No party needs their music turned up that loud. As you say you did not witness how loud it was and its daft to say it is ok on a saturday night as we all know people who work on weekends and have to get up early. As it happens the music did stop at 11pm which we were all relieved about but for all we knew it could have gone on all night and without knowing the exact location It was impossible to find out what time it would finish. It is antisocial at any time of day to play music so loud that we could hear it in our own homes even with our windows closed and above our own conversation and that is wrong day or night. Glad to hear it won’t be a regular event but perhaps the answer is the next time your friends have a party they can invite the whole of Dartmouth Road so we can all be there as we already felt we were but without the benefit of the food or drink.

We live in century yard and there is a similar event every summer in that garden which usually goes on until silly o’clock in the morning, with rave horns, commercial PA system etc, so I was pleased it finished when it did.

I personally do not have a problem with private parties, which are normally only an annual event. However, there have been cases of people having paid parties for profit. Obviously, these occur at least weekly.

I also have no issues, per se, with any private parties, but I do take issue, as had been the case in the past, when ear-splittingly loud music is being played at 3am in a suburban garden.

So let me start by saying IT WAS MY PARTY !!! yes u could hear it cos i have a good set with a professional DJ. No one can say they came and spoke to us because they didnt, the police didnt attend at all and there is never any trouble we have personal licence holders on site and why would i hire a venue wen i have such a beautiful garden and I did inform my neighbours who had no problems with my annual party. You all have NO LIFE ! Still complaining 2 days later complaining Bout music late before it was even late ! I have spoke to local buisness’s and no complaints . Any one need a dj feel free to contact me

I was at the party. Yes it was loud but not deafening, I was sat by the speakers (with my granddaughter) and could still have a conversation. I’m also in the position to speak of the noise coming from the bird in hand as I used to manage it!
Seriously people, get a life! It was a birthday family BBQ not an illegal rave. All done and dusted by midnight.

Cheers for joining and posting @Haze_Glover I think you are completely in you right to have a yearly celebration. If it was weekly or monthly I may have a different view but yearly finishing at 11 I don’t think it’s fair to have a go. Just my opinion.

You have no SPELL CHECK!
Only kidding, I’m fine with a party to 11 pm, but to post IN CAPS is too much.

Next year will be a block party feel free to come neighbours

A MUCH BETTER response to your neighbours Haze! I am going to get on with my life now, as for a brief moment there I didn’t think I had one.

Once a year - who cares. And this individual actually informed their neighbours, which is great. And it was turned off by 11pm. Hope you enjoyed your party!

Is this ‘once a year’ argument really valid? If we all had noisy parties once a year the place would be noisy all the time. Dog owners aren’t allowed to let their pet poo on the pavement once a year, flytippers aren’t allowed to dump their rubbish on the street once a year.
As for informing neighbours - it seems like not all those who were affected were informed, that might have helped.

Were you behind the speakers? In front of the speakers? Acoustics are unpredictable: the noise you find acceptable close up could be causing problems half a mile away. This is why we are supposed to have a statutory service which objectively measures noise and which does operate in most areas but not Lewisham.
It’s not a safe assumption that people who don’t want to listen to your DJ and your music, don’t have lives.

Haze Glover. I came to your door and did complain soon after the noise started. I was told it would be turned down. It was not.
The noise was appalling in Century Yard. Maybe you do not realise the effect of the tall buildings opposite you. I think your posting is surprisingly selfish . No one has the right to force people out of their home for the day which is what you did to us. You did turn it off at eleven unlike previous years which is an improvement. But it sounds like you will repeat the noise next year. I think your victims will try to stop you!

I just hope you never get rushed into hospital when the Doctor or nurse living close by has been listening to you all night and feels a bit tired
So Selfish!!

Don’t be so childish

No you are right. I guess where I’m coming from is I’d rather have a noisy party once a year, than say a neighbour who plays a piano for hours each day or music every night.
Ideally we would have local services that deal with this kind of stuff. Unfortunately this is London. There are no local services anymore. Hell, the police don’t even bother investigating most of the crimes that happen. So my attitude is just deal with it for a night and try to forget about it.
There will always be selfish people out there.

This only works if only one person is entitled to have a yearly loud party.
It is better to ask how many households in your vicinity would disturb your weekend if they had a party. Then, ask how many people live in each of those properties. Times those numbers together to reach parties per year.
There are only 52 weekends in a year so you wouldn’t have many quiet weekends, but hey, who has a garden rave in the wet? 26 weekends left when you can enjoy being outside in the sun. A quiet weekend would be a rarity.
If someone believes they have the right to disturb their neighbours because they only have one party per year then they are the definition of selfishness.

How about if we are all entitled, but have to do it on a specific date. National Loud Party Day.

How Swiss.

It would make sense if we held National Loud Party Day when there was a bank holiday the following day. How about 31st December? We can probably let everyone carry on until midnight if everyone is synchronised.

It wasnt going on all night it stop at 11pm

Agreed yours stopped at 11 - thank you. Three weeks later it is now 00.30 and there is loud music coming from a similar (although I think different) property in the same row. Not very sympathetic to those of us who are obviously unreasonable in wishing to be asleep at half midnight.

Are you having another ‘once a year’ party now?
FYI I can’t hear myself think, even with my own music playing, I can’t drown yours out.
Actually I could turn it up a lot but that would hardly be fair in my neighbours… something you might want to consider.
Also FYI I have a life but don’t like your music not want to hear it. Why do you think you should inflict your taste on us? If you’re a decent DJ people will pay to hear you in a proper venue. At least put your speakers inside and shut the doors and windows.

How about you post your number here so we can tell you when the music is too loud?

In other Boroughs, you wouldn’t have to get into this on a public forum, you would call the out-of-hours noise patrol. Lewisham needs to improve services. If the current Council cannot provide essential services, they should resign. When you stand for election you are offering to take responsibility, not offering to be a bystander who points the finger of blame at central government.

Don’t live in Harrow then, if you think Lewisham is bad, try Harrow.

Why do people want to be so loud… what happened to some peace and quiet… isn’t London loud enough already with the banging and screeching of the Tube, noise of the cars, vans and trucks, building noise and what not? I really don’t get it…
I just opened this topic as there are people that gather in the middle of a housing block and party there… Load music between Honor Oak Road, Tyson Rd & Benson rd
Really really annoying…

My dj happens to have bookings every week and is actually on holiday himself so stop thinking everything is us. We have lived in this house for 25 years and have never had any problems it seems new neighbours have problems maybe you should move to a field in the middle of no where and you you will still probably moan at the cows for noise ! Maybe you should go knock the door and tell the person rather than being a keyboard warrior !!!

Lol, “antisocial behaviour” to have parties.
Some responses here seem like they’re directly out of George Orwell’s 1984

It’s not antisocial to have a party if you keep the noise in your house/garden but it is antisocial if it can be heard in your neighbours house/garden.

So agree… And yes it’s laughable until some people don’t give a care if they upset there neighbours which is not nice.
No one is saying no one can’t have fun and enjoy that’s what life is about but when it the music gets louder and into the early hours of the morning regardless that is crossing the line.
Find a venue or something to keep it contained??? Some just want to Netflix and chill in there own home stress free.

I don’t think I’ve ever so much twaddle as have glovers post . The only event that can reasonably allowed to wreck the afternoon , and evening of thousands of locals might be a proper community event .
Speaking to a handful of known locals and failing to find anyone prepared to say it stinks does not count as any kind of approval from the local community .
Great that it wound up by 11 ish but that’s the whole evening wrecked for most locals and as someone said, nobody knows what time the torment will end . The fact that nobody complained is a matter of confidence - people who make noise like your event are a mixture of profit making , delinquent or in your case , simply people who don’t care about others - doesn’t encourage one to make polite requests to turn things down does it ? Finally , your “ get a life “ comment is almost the stock response of the antisocial - I suspect that most if not all of those that resent having their peace taken away by the decisions of one person, lead rich ,fulfilling lives , they simply don’t hire someone to play stock recorded music , played through standard subwoofers and amplifiers to express their uniqueness as you seem to have .

This point needs to be re-affirmed to the Council as well. If more people don’t complain, it’s because they expect to be ignored, or to be told “we don’t deal with that”.

I did actually complain! See my post of the 19th july.