Continuing the discussion from Forest Hill Pools [2020]: Hi all, do you have to be a member to use the swimming pool and gym at Forest Hill pools? Or can you turn up on the day and pay a residents fee?
Many thanks.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Forest Hill Pools: Resident Fees?

26 Feb '20

26 Feb '20
Pretty sure you can just turn up and pay. Not sure if you get a kick back for being a resident though.

26 Feb '20
Assuming this is up to date, price list here:
Suggests slight discount for residents, not sure what be active is though.

27 Feb '20
Check out the details for Be Active Scheme.
Reduced prices for residents of various age groups, disabled, full time student or receiving certain benefits.

28 Feb '20
Hi Laura you can do pay as you go, however if you are looking to come on a regular basis we are currently running a membership offer where you pay nothing until 15th March. This offer ends this Saturday.