Because sometimes we need humour to help us through these trying times…

One flush with the lid up and the whole lot’s unusable.
Something I’ve been banging on about for years is that King’s College Hospital have removed the lids from many of their loos. And they wonder why they get outbreaks?

So that’s where all of Aldi Bell Green’s supply went!

Not mine I hasten to add! I couldn’t handle the social shaming.

We need a “like” button to click. These are great. Thanks.

Click the heart - it’s the same thing

and Aldi and Lidl in Catford and Sainsburys in Forest Hill!

The selfishness I have witnessed in all of the above shops (as well as Savers in Catford) is utter madness! I hope more signs like this Source Twitter will be put up by staff who have to deal with this behaviour. It will at least put a smile on my face and make the current shopping experience mildly bearable.

It’s funny, but a bit harsh as some people are doubtlessly stockpiling because they are either genuinely scared or vulnerable.

I understand we are in a scary concerning time, so people panic buy and stockpile. However it’s the vulnerable and people in need that will inevitably suffer if this continues. I have witnessed some truly vile behaviour in Aldi and Savers Catford and that in it’s self is scary.
None the less as per my subject matter: we sometimes do need to bring in some light humour to help us through these trying times…

And some people are doubling up on some purchases because they’re also buying for vulnerable relatives or neighbours. So here’s hoping the shopkeepers don’t start their own version of rationing.

Me trying to get a pneumonia jab …

This is really funny on FB

And this


local DJ Dad online now and playing brilliant music which will make you smile!

Ha ha! I have seen this one, & it has been on the TV as well

Brilliant! I will let Trev know xx

A friend sent me this one.

@emmad Can I do a funny workout class for parents next week covering head shoulders knees and toes xx Stay safe hon and love what you have done for all your SE23 kids. Kisses and hugs you have always gave to the community and I have always loved working with you, P xx
Pic credit @JohnRussell for FH Fashion Week

“Don’t wait for the storm to pass - learn to dance in the rain”

Maybe these two threads on a similar vein could be linked or merged?


And a new slide…

This guy has built a (good?) solution for social distancing while cycling:

Thanks for that - the best 10 minutes of the lockdown so far!
(But now I’m gonna watch some of his other mad creations)

A photo showing a shining example of social distancing? This is from a Damien Egan newsletter. I’m sure they meant well and it was a nice gesture, but couldn’t they have stood apart just for the promo shot …
Quote: Helping the community Here are some highlights of support in our community: Bella Roma in Lewisham delivered Easter Sunday lunch to NHS staff (BBC photo).