I hear all pubs, cafes and restaurants now compulsorily have to close as of tonight. Does that include takeaways? By that I mean…not ‘Eat Now’ and all the other virtual things you order via your phone to deliver by scooter to your door - can I legally and physically walk into my local S E London takeaway kebab, Chinese, fish n chip shop tomorrow and buy food?
Archived on 6/5/2022
Are takeaways still allowed to be open?

20 Mar '20

20 Mar '20
Takeaways are ok. From https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51981653
Cafes, pubs and restaurants must close from Friday night - except for take-away food - to tackle coronavirus, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said.

24 Mar '20
In light of yesterdays update, I thought I’d revisit this topic. I can’t find an update on the Beeb, but here’s an authoritative source from UK Government guidance for businesses: