I am looking for someone local who is able to repair ‘liquid spillage’ on laptop keyboard.
Laptop repair

Is it just the keyboard that is dead. Does the laptop power on and work? If you use an external keyboard is it functional.
I’ve done dozens of keyboard replacements on laptops and while they are quite easy I hate doing them!

Hi @wmorgan1, recommendations in the following topics might be helpful:

Hi Nick,
The laptop powers up and login page is there but can’t type in the password even with an external keyboard.

I am in a dilemma too right now as mt screen seems to have ink stains coming from the left hand hand side of my laptop and I don’t know how to fix it and have no back up laptop.
I went to try today and everything is closed. I am scared I will not be able to contact anyone (especially my 84 year old Mum) if I can’t get this fixed or buy a new laptop.
I don’t even know if this will be sent as the left hand of my screen is black right now

I don’t know if anyone has got this but please let me buy or borrow a laptop or computer system throught this time, I need to keep in toucch with my family in Scotland especially my Mum who is 84, I am happy to pay for the service or borrow for a short time. I don’t normally get distressed but when it comes to my 84 year old Mum I need a working laptop or computer system to talktoo and see her every day right now’
Sorry for the ask
P xx

The problem is the whole screen not clicked together so the ink keeps spreading.
@anon5422159 are these services available and working at the moment, please excuse any mistakes as I can only see half my screen.
Can you email me info as I can increase screen size so should be able to see some contacts.
Thanks P xx

I can let you have a laptop @Pauline.
It may not be fast but it will work.
PM me?
@wmorgan1 - that sounds a bit ominous.
Let me come back to this as I am working atm…

Thank you so much @Foresthillnick I have just PM’d you

Thank you so much I only just missed you @Foresthillnick

Cheers for the Olives!

The very least I could do x