As I’m sure many of us are, I’m going through boxes of ‘stuff’ and found some Hi8 tapes from the 90s…
Does anyone have anything I could play them on, camera or deck and have a go a digitising them perhaps?
Happy to borrow in return for money/favour or whatever!
Also while I’m here, does anyone have a negative/slide scanner?
Thanks a lot!
Does anyone have an old Hi8 camcorder/deck?

Is this worth a look: Convert VHS to Digital Service
I know it says VHS, but I think the picture shows a camcorder tape which could be a Hi8? I may be wrong though…

Thanks a lot, I’ll take a look.

Can you show a picture of these, I had some camera type things that weren’t even on display when I had my shop and may still have some. I will dig around in some boxes if I can recognise anything.
Happy to give if I do.

That’s very kind of you!
I’ve attached some pics of the format logo and a camera example… it’s possible that you’re thinking of Super 8 film cameras as they’d be more suitable for a retro shop shelf but if you do have video ones then fantastic. Cheers!

I have something that looks a bit like that in black but not sure if it’s just a retro camera or if it has a tape feature on the side. I will have a dig around later this evening and let you know.

Brilliant, thanks!

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