Very sadly a beautiful tabby has been hit by a car opposite the BP on Stanstead Road. My wife found her when out for a run, along with some other people who saw it happen (they took her out of the road). She / he didn’t make it - we have taken the poor thing to the 24 hr medivet in Beckenham. They have told us she is chipped so if that is up to date she / he will be reunited with them soon. Posting in case the owners see. My wife and the others were with her when she died v soon after being hit and comforted her. Really sorry for your loss.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Cat hit by car, Stanstead Road

14 Apr '20

14 Apr '20
Thank you. We still are missing Oprah - please keep us posted.

15 Apr '20
Hi there, it wasn’t Oprah. Sorry she’s still missing.

15 Apr '20
This is very sad.

18 Apr '20
This is very sad to read, but thank you for posting this. I’m glad to know they were comforted at the end.

24 Apr '20
That is so very sad, I hope he/she can be reunited with the owners so they can say a proper goodbye.

25 Apr '20
Hi - he was. We’ve seen a sign on a lamppost near there very sweetly thanking the jogger who stayed with him, which is a lovely gesture.