This is just a small snapshot of which others will have their own stories. However I’d like to highlight the hairpin on the south circular as you approach Sunderland road and Stanstead road. If there are any councillors on here I’d like to know if they can bring this to the council and TfL’s attention before someone is seriously injured. I saw someone crash into the pedestrian island a few months ago and just drive off. Here are my points on the road layout.
there is no cycle lane on this section with cars overtaking cyclists on the corners.
Speeding on the approaches ( I’ve seen vehicles doing above 60)
Taking the corner at speed and cutting the corner altogether. Especially bad when done by lorries.
Leaving and entering the junctions on Stanstead road and Sunderland road as if there was no junction.
These are just a few of the main points but at the very least I think temporary speed cameras as vehicles approach the bends would be worthwhile and protect cyclists and pedestrians crossing the road not to mention other vehicles trying to turn into Sunderland and Stanstead road.
Where are the safer streets that were promised a month or so ago? Parts of Central London has them but that’s not where people live or work these days.