Sighted tonight on its favourite church tower.
Peregrine Falcon

Good news - I went a few weeks quickly but couldn’t see it (or them, thee are often 2) - was hoping they were off hunting somewhere but glad to hear of a positive sighting.
The people that live in the Church Tower have a view of these majestic birds most can only dream of!
Oh and welcome to the forum @Weef_Smith!

There are some great photos and discussion about this in an older topic: Raptor in South Rd

I’ve seen and heard it too.Beautiful thing.

Hi @Weef_Smith
So I went to have another look for them tonight on my way to the allotment. First stop in Forest Hill, saw nothing, so decided to head down to another Church.
Saw 1 bird which from the naked eye looked too small to me to be a Peregrine Falcon - then I spotted another and manged to get closer. Definitely some sort of bird of prey - clarified as Kestrels by by @Ernest_J_Thomason
On my way back decided to have another quick peak at the first location - as I got out of the car I could hear an adult Peregrine Screeching - one was eating something and the other was screeching. They both flew off a few minutes after I arrived.
So we possibly have a pair of adults Peregrines and 2 Kestrels all within SE23 - quite exciting!

This makes me SO happy. What incredible creatures. I’ll go for a wander to try and spot them tomorrow.
If anyone fancies a really beautiful read about raptors, the aptly-named “Raptor” by James Macdonald Lockhart is stunning. If you like Robert Macfarlane’s writing, this is in a similar vein.

Yes it’s amazing to have them on our doorstep! I always get a kick out of seeing these.
If you do go later, be worth taking some binoculars - the pavement by the Church with the Adults is also dug up at the moment so you need to be even further away.

I personally not keen in advertising the exact nesting locations of the local peregrines and the moderators need to review their policies as they could be held responsible if the nest get either disturbed or egg collectors they are protected by law under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1982. I think that just give a general area I will inform the London Peregrine Partnership about the nest and see it the building owner will agree to put up a nesting box and camera with possible a live link for next year
The birds on the Church by the South Circular are in fact Kestrels and have 4 young they have been nesting in the area for over 20 years and once was the most common Bird of Prey in Britain now over taken by the Peregrine

Thanks, we’re looking into it.

My understanding is the Peregrines don’t nest there, they just rest and eat their food there (at least that is what I was told by someone local) - edit I see that is also mentioned in the prior thread. No idea where they nest.
Thanks for the clarification on the Kestrels - good to know.

Yes I had a look at the site they is no suitable nesting site on the Church but could be using a nearby flat roof there will fly up to 2-3 miles away from their nesting site there also are nesting in Lewisham Town centre. I was just concern about exposing the active nesting sites and possible sealing of eggs or chicks for falconry.

Absolutely fair points - thanks for raising them, sad though it is you had too. I think I just got a bit excited to see them all!

Wow those are great pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, I had to hang around waiting for quite a while but it was worth it!

Great photos @ThorNogson - especially in flight. Worth the wait!

I woke up with the sound of it today. We’re very lucky to have a beautiful and wild creature like this loving amoung us. I hope they keep that in mind if they ever decide to renovate the Church, which fingers crossed, they won’t.

Walking through Camberwell Old Cemetary heard a bird of prey calling, then saw a food pass over the trees, looked like female to young. Certainly larger bird to smaller. Could see prey hanging from talons before pass.