Here is some information from an email I’ve had from Better
*Monday 19th July - what’s changing?
From Monday 19th July*, there will be some positive changes to the services and facilities available at your local Better centre. As we work to make these changes, *we ask that you please continue to observe the basics of the Safer, Better, Stronger approach by continuing to clean your equipment before and after use, and being mindful of those around you at your local Better centre.
As the Prime Minister stated last night, this will be a cautious easing of restrictions currently in place - and we ask that you work with us so that we can make your experience both safe and enjoyable. Our sanitisation stations will remain in place, so you can continue to clean down equipment, and all areas will continue to be well ventilated.
What will be available?
Starting from next Monday, we’re pleased to let you know that the following services will be available for the first time after lockdown restrictions were implemented:

** Shower and changing room facilities will re-open for use*
** Lockers will also be available*
** Water fountains are available, but please bring your own bottle*
** Increased capacities for gym, swim and fitness classes*
**Cafes, communal and spectator areas will re-open where available
Will there be any changes to existing activities?
Yes!* We’re excited to let you know that *there will be increased capacities for lane swimming, fitness classes and more gym equipment available for you to use.
If you’re dashing from work to the gym or pool, you no longer need to arrive beach or activity ready - but please continue to do so if it helps you save time! Shower, changing room and locker facilities will once again be available.
*For those of you who love a fitness class, we will be able to have a wider offering, and shared equipment will once again be available - but we ask that you *continue to observe our Safer, Better, Stronger approach by cleaning any equipment you use afterwards.
Will activities on pause resume in the near future?
*Throughout the past year, some activities and adult classes have been put on pause - and we’re currently working to re-launch these. *We will have more information on that in the very near future - so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox!
Keeping our community safe
Alongside QR codes for “Test and Trace” at every entrance, our rigorous cleaning programme, availability of sanitisation stations in each activity area, and other key measures to help keep our community safe, we are also stepping up:
** Ventilation in all of our centres, so that there will always be fresh air circulating whether you’re in a class, the gym or pool*
** Our swimming pools now have increased chlorine levels to help ensure that everyone can have a safe and enjoyable swim*
Our team are working with both Public Health England and the government to ensure your local Better centre provides a safe and responsible environment for you to enjoy.

How can I make a difference?
Please continue to book in advance via the Better UK app or online before you visit your local Better centre.
Be mindful of those around you in centre, whether you’re in the communal areas or taking part in an activity.
*Our staff are here to make your visit more enjoyable, *please maintain a respectful distance from our Better team at all times.
Please consider wearing a face covering in busy areas at your local Better centre.
Continue to thoroughly clean down any equipment before and after use, with our handy sanitisation stations. That way we can ensure everyone in our community can have a safe and enjoyable visit.
Please bring your own hand sanitiser and towel, and a re-usable water bottle so that you can use our water fountains, and help save the planet at the same time!
And remember: if you feel unwell, please do not visit your local Better centre - and be sure to follow the comprehensive NHS guidance currently available