Anyone else get woken up just before Midnight last night by loud bangs? Sounded like fireworks but I couldn’t see anything…
Fireworks last night?

It was probably a group of these horrible noisy cars that regularly troll the roads these days. See previous nuisance neighbour thread.

It was fireworks! They were right over our house

I live close to this person and I recognise their sounds. Definitely wasn’t the sound of a car. There were two intervals of these bangs, both loud enough to wake my household up…twice.

Ah. How very considerate of them to wake the neighbourhood up on a work night after 11pm.

Definitely fireworks and heard loud and clear on Sunderland Road.

Yes we heard it! two different lots of fireworks at around 11.30 and 11.45pm
damn inconsiderate especially as it gets dark early so they could easily have set them off at a much earlier time.

I heard it too and am so glad to learn from here that it was “just” fireworks. My husband slept through it and the firework noise came in two bursts, sounding like someone knocking to get in. This was right after I’d watched two back-to-back episodes of Paranormal Lockdown … the second one from Shepton Mallet prison, where there was all sorts of frantic knocking noises going on, allegedly from the long dead. It didn’t occur to me it could be fireworks because it was chucking it down with rain here.

Hahahahaha I’m gonna go looking for this now !
I heard it too but luckily saw the accompanying lights so wasn’t so terrifying!

Thanks, I was wondering if i was going mad as I thought I heard some too but could not see anything.

Heard them as well, thought it was gunfire at first since it’s unusual for fireworks to go off at this time of year.

Same-but having heard gunfire outside my former home in W10 (resulting in a bullet hole in my car windscreen)after the first Bang I realised that it was to my relief fireworks.

It’s notable how many of us heard this static event. Makes you realise how many thousands are going to be disturbed by a motor vehicle with silencers/mufflers removed.

I can hear some going off right now out toward HOP. Is there some kind of festival this week?

There are some going off now. Again can’t see them and it’s not so late as last time but puzzling. Trying to think what festival it could be

From the Perry Vale area if you look north they look like display fireworks being launched from Docklands.

Yeah I’m down at the bottom end of HOP and heard them but couldn’t see anything.
Seemed to be coming from towards Brockley Rise

It was fireworks set off from one of the roof tops on Haverlock walk.