Didn’t these Non-local Political conversations used to get moved to somewhere else on the site?
Feedback on ‘Vaccination creating rifts in the nation’

I’m not sure this is big ‘P’ politics per se, though if you scratch deeply enough at any topic, you can usually find a political angle. Also while lockdown and the pandemic are not specifically local issues, they have greatly affected us in many different ways and have been discussed here before on more than one occasion.
We, the moderators, did deliberate on what approach to use, and rather than single-out this topic and close it, decided to use slow mode (a relatively new feature) to allow some other voices to hopefully express more rational opinions and ideas - which to the most part has happened.
If the topic degenerates in to personal arguments, Politics or a flurry of flags, we are likely to take further action.

I concur strongly with this decision. To do otherwise feeds into a narrative by the sceptics that their beliefs are being actively suppressed by the media - whether mainstream or social. I don’t see that and I think it best that what many will see as disinformation is confronted and repudiated.
That I don’t want to see disappeared if the thread is hidden.

This post was flagged and is temporarily hidden.

Well said. Free speech should be paramount.

Except not one single post has been removed. It’s true that I split the topic, to contain your hypothesis in a topic of it’s own topic - but everything is preserved.
Even the flagged posts can still be viewed by clicking on the ‘show hidden content’ links. If you follow the suggestion and edit those posts to meet the guidelines here, they will also be restored.
It’s a rare event that we actually remove any non-spam posts on this site, though you may need to join #moderator-actions to see some of the worst cases.
I hope that clears this up.

This is just infantile and really not fair to the moderators, suggesting anyone actually likes covid is just pure conspiracy theory nonsense and would undermine any serious points made, had you made any.

Personally I don’t come to se23.life to see the same arguments that are being played out on many many other channels and platforms. I come to it for local discussion. I don’t miss the days when this site often felt more like a politics discussion than a local forum. And the guidelines themselves say that this isn’t the place for it
We prefer that general/national political discussion takes place on websites elsewhere, as SE23.life focusses on local conversatioN
But if others disagree I shall mute this topic (can I mute this topic so it doesn’t even show up in my list?) and hope it is a one off rather than a new direction.

Hi @TomAngel
Let me be clear here - you and others have been allowed to put your views across uncensored.
However you have directly attacked the forum owner and other site members with incredibly inflamatory statements, which contravenes forum rules eg
is such a covid lover
The only censorship that will definitely occur will be if you repeat these actions, at which point you will be given a break from posting - up to you. Make your point - fine, attack others, you’ll have a break from the forum.
You might be right, we will discuss.

I agree and the thread exchanging info on vaccine availability and symptoms a good and useful one. I hope that can continue.

Note I split the posts descending from Tom’s precisely to allow both the original topic to usefully continue and share local experiences, but also to enable members to mute the new one.
The following maybe relevant: How to: Mute a topic
I don’t think the forum is consciously taking any new direction, and I don’t see a General Politics section reopening any time soon if ever!

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