Missing cat - Landeque

His name is Landeque or Lenny for short thank you all

Sorry to hear this @BrightStar. Any ideas as to the area Landeque might be lost / found in?

I think one of the neighbours said he might have been on Garthorne road. On a side topic, how is it possible for the owner to post directly on this chat? As she said she couldn’t post so I am doing it for her. Thanks

They may need to create an account to post. Try the “Log In” button at the top, then login with Google / Facebook / Twitter, or use the “Create Account” link to get set with email:
Please can they also get in touch with support@se23.life if there are any problems.
I’ve also posted Landeque to @SE23Cats too

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this cat quite a lot on Garthorne Rd over the past couple of months although not sure I’ve seen it since Thursday. Will keep an eye out.


Sorry to hear he is still missing. Is he the big un neutered one? There is also a large ginger tom missing. Posters along Garthorne. Strange.

yes he is big un-neutered one. did you see him?

I havrn’t seen him for a couple of weeks. We are on
Whatman Road and he was regularly fighting with the ginger tom that has also gone missing. Wondering if someone has taken them for ‘a ride’ as they did terrorise the other cats in the area and the ginger one was aggressive towards me when I chased him off. Please neuter your cats people.

I really hope no one has taken them away… i don’t have a cat myself but I wouldn’t be very happy reading that message

Is that the same orange cat as ‘the beast’ of Devonshire Road: Huge Orange Cat on Devonshire Road (AKA 'The Beast') ?

I’m pretty sure the Beast is still about, altough I haven’t seen him round this way this week. With the weather so good I’ve finally had to relent and let my cat out (since kept indoors since multiple “Beast” attacks) and I’ve been so nervous I’ve had to essentially keep a constant guard while she’s out there so I’m actually a little surprised I haven’t seen it.

Actually maybe the wrong side of the tracks for “the Beast”, I don’t know how far it roams but that’s still quite a distance and over 4 sets of electrified rail (unless it takes a very long detour via Honor Oak Park)