Southern hurriedly cancels its anti-RMT poster campaign

Seems some people just do not read the existing threads on their own website about this:
The RMT have a lot to answer for but then so do GTR (Southern) and the Department for Transport. I think the campaign was canned due to something about casting stones…

It seems both sides have lost sight of the main point. The rail users.

certainly an interesting idea that Southern think RMT listens to passengers, when Southern clearly don’t listen to their passengers, especially those in London. They want to cancel more of our trains so that the can run extra trains fast through South London without stopping. We are just another inconvenience to them.

You may have noticed that it was only one of their posters they have cancelled. Not the whole campaign which was still in the standard last night

Former RMT leader Bob Crow often said he coukd care less about public opinion.