Hi, I’m new to the forum and am pregnant with my first child, due in March next year. I wondered if there were any other expectant parents out there in the local area? I’ve seen other forums do great threads for parents expecting at different times of year - the East Dulwich Forum has a Spring Babies Club but it seems to be based more around the Peckham/Nunhead area than our neck of the woods! I’d love to start something similar so if there are others who are interested, please let me know!
Expectant parents?

If you’re on Facebook there are several SE23 parenting groups. I think SE23 Mums is the main one.

Thanks Rachael, I’ve signed up to a couple of those Facebook groups but they mostly seem to be a place to sell things!

Welcome @Olivia. There’s a lot on SE23 Mums besides people selling things and I think if you started a thread for Spring Babies you would get some interest (including my wife and I, expecting our second baby in March). It’s definitely a good idea to sign up.
Let’s see if anyone else expresses an interest here - we might form a subgroup of 2017 parents…

Welcome to the forum @Olivia, and thanks for the suggestion.
It would be great to have areas of the forum where expectant parents can chat, and I’m happy to help set things up.
@moderators - what’s the best approach in your opinion? Opt-in categories e.g. “2017 Parents”?

Thanks guys! Congratulations to you and your wife @Dave - it would be lovely to chat! I’m waiting for admin approval for the SE23 Mums group, it sounds like it might be more engaging than some of the other groups I’ve found.
@anon5422159 That sounds great! Looking forward to seeing if we get any more interest.

It gets my vote.

Let’s wait until we see how much interest we get. No objection in principle.

Hi Olivia and co! Congratulations firstly! I’m Jess and my husband (Steve) and I are also expecting our first baby next March - I think a new thread would be fabulous and we would certainly join in. We are eager to meet expectant parents like you in the area!
Look forward to chatting soon…

Perhaps a general parenting forum would get more traffic, can include a thread for expectant parents in there?

Hi Jess, congratulations to you both too! It seems like March is a popular month! It would be lovely to connect with you guys. Have you or @Dave signed up to any of the local classes?

Thanks Olivia! I do pregnancy yoga on a Saturday morning (with Kimberly from Oaktree Yoga) - I haven’t found any March babies there yet though! My husband (@SteveG85) and I have also signed up to the Forest Hill NCT course from 4 - 11 Feb. How about you?

Ah I was looking at that yoga class just haven’t got round to signing up yet - do you enjoy it? Don’t think we’re doing NCT but have been looking at alternatives.

Yes - definitely recommend the yoga. It’s lovely and relaxing! NCT is expensive and we were in two minds for ages! What date are you due? We’re 21st March.

Hi! I’m also due first baby in march! We are booked onto the NCT in Feb too
Would be great to get a group together! Hannah

Yes I was surprised NCT was so expensive! I’m due just a few days before you - 18th March.

Ah this is lovely to find so many March babies due! Would be great to get together at some point

Hello all, another expectant mum here with our first baby due 7th March! We have our NCT classes booked for late Jan. I love the idea of a networking opportunity for expectant parents through this forum. It is lovely to be part of such a supportive and warm community

We did NCT back in August and it was very useful, not just from a learning perspective but also meeting and getting to know other expectant parents, all of whom we still see regularly nearly 3 months after childbirth.

Hi. First baby due 15th February so a little earlier but still keen to meet others. We’re booked into NCT in January and I’ve been doing a lovely pregnancy yoga class at the Honor Oak Wellness Rooms.

I’ve been away but it’s so lovely to come back and be reminded how many people this thread has brought out of the woodwork in such a short space of time! @JessGardner I think I’m going to join you at yoga if there’s space this week.

Hi Hannah! Ah that’s exciting! So I suppose I’ll meet you early Feb then, if not before … hope you’re keeping well. Jess

Yes I agree, and thanks to you for kicking off the process! Great idea to join in yoga - last one for 2016 so should be fun and it’d be lovely to meet you. Kimberly asks for payment in advance (£11) and for first session you’d need to also complete a booking form. Here’s her email address if you’re keen… oaktreeyoga@yahoo.co.uk !

Thanks! I’ll give it a go for this weekend, but if that doesn’t work, see you after Christmas!

Hello, congrats to all expectant parents! I’m due on the 10th March and I have a 2year old son. It would be lovely to meet up with other local mums.

Hi all, we are due our first baby at the end of February and would be very interested in joining this group. We are also booked to do NCT in January, hopefully see some of you there.
I am doing pre-natal Pilates on Wednesday evenings at the Hope Centre on Malham Road. Would highly recommend it!

Great to see so much interest in this topic
We had a category called “Schools” on SE23.life which I have now renamed “Parenting/Schools” to cater for discussions like this one.
Depending on how things go, we can always create an opt-in group later.
By the way, welcome to all of you that are new to SE23.life (several members on this topic). How did you all discover the forum?

Thanks @anon5422159 that sounds great!
I think I found the forum via Facebook a little while ago. Now seemed a good time to say hello!

Hi. Congrats everyone! I’m Jess and my partner Avnee is due to have our first child on 13th March. It would be great to link up with other local parents-in-waiting!

Heya. We’re waiting for twins to come in January. Good to meet other parents!

So lovely to hear from so many people! Who’d be up for a bit of a get together in the New Year?

I would definitely be up for a get together in the New Year!

Yep. We’d be keen for a meet up in the new year. We (Sharleen and Rob) have NCT 7th, 10th and 14th Jan so hopefully see some of you there too.

My wife is expecting our first baby in February and we’d certainly be interested in hearing about local groups, meetups etc. We are also doing NCT in Jan.

Yes, we would also be keen to meet local (new) parents and find out about local groups in the new year. Let’s make this happen!

You could all set up a Google group or a group on here @anon5422159 to make arrangements for a meet up between all in this post

I’m about to upgrade the forum software and the latest version will have a better Groups feature that makes it easier to join groups… I plan to make a “2017 Parents” group so watch this space!

Groups on here sounds like a great feature.
Meanwhile, I’d recommend everyone join the SE23 Mums group - it’s on Facebook and it’s grown in the last couple of years to more than 3500 people. There’s a lot of info on there and it’s a good source of support for new parents as well as people buying and selling a lot of the child-related paraphernalia which you might need.

Dear @parents - the “2017 Parents” group is now available
As members of the group, you can see and post into the “2017 Parents” category. These posts are only visible to group members.
To join the group, click “Join Group” on the 2017 Parents members page. (most commenters above have already been added).
Let me know if you have any questions.

Hi Olivia - Lovely to meet you at yoga on Sat - @SteveG85 and I are definitely keen for a New Year get together, Have a great Christmas - next year’s will be very different!

Brill, thanks Chris!

Lovely to meet you too! Looking forward to catching up in the new year

Still waiting for my approval :s

For anyone who hasn’t yet booked onto an NCT course, my midwife recommended this course as a possible alternative. The woman who runs it is also a midwife and I had a chat with her the other day - she sounded friendly and covers everything you’d expect for a cheaper course fee, though it sounds like she struggles to compete with NCT, unsurprisingly. We’re considering going with that as an option. So many decisions to make though!

On the SE23 Mums group @Olivia? I’m still waiting for my approval too!

Yes - strange that it should take so long if it’s such an active group. I might see if I can follow it up somehow, although it looks like Facebook limits your options!

Be patient, as I think it’s run by one busy mum! It’s a great facebook group for families in the area.

Hi Olivia! Count me in - I’m expecting my second baby, due early April and am moving back to the area in late January. I’d love to meet some other parents with little people of a similar age… Vicky

Happy New Year! My husband Raf and I are expecting our first baby on 15th April and would also love to meet some local people due around the same time. I actually think I met @JessGardner and @Olivia briefly at the Oaktree Yoga session before xmas but can’t be 100% sure… (I’m rubbish at remembering names!).
I’m also booked on the 25 Feb, 4th & 9th Mar NCT course if anyone else is? Please let me know if there are plans to meet up and I’ll join the 2017 parents group. Hope you are all keeping well.
Jenny x

Hi Jenny and Happy New Year! Yes, we did meet at yoga before Christmas Look forward to catching up soon (probably at the next yoga session!) x

Happy New Year all! The year we become parents - eek!
I think we partnered at yoga Jenny! Hope to see you there again and looking forward to meeting everyone else soon.

Hi all, the new year has well and truly started now so I thought it might be nice to arrange a bit of a get together for those that want to meet.
I propose the morning of sunday 22nd Jan for a (decaf!) coffee. I know not everyone will be available but if a handful are keen then we can start getting to know one another and still arrange plenty more dates! Who’s in?

Great initiative Olivia. Unfortunately I won’t be able to join you on this occasion as I’ve got my PhD Viva the next day so I will need to prepare for that. I do hope that I will be able to join you on the next one though.

22nd works for me!

Is there a link to 2017 parents category from the 2017 parents group ? I couldn’t find it.
Also I appear to be able to edit all sorts of stuff on the group page (I.e. I seem to have the admin rights)

Thanks for reminding me, @Weepy - I have improved the group description to include a link to the category. There aren’t any topics there yet so please feel free to create the first (it will be visible only to those who have joined the group).
I made the first members “owners” of the group. So you’re also able to improve the description of the group as you see fit.

Would love a parents section on here! Whilst there is SE23 Mums on FB, it’s one of those ‘in the know’ type of things and not everyone likes to use Facebook. It’s also not as good for ongoing reference / recommendation types of things. There’s something neat about having a community forum place that’s open to anyone who finds it. @Olivia - there is also the Mush mums app for connecting with other parents, and I’m launching my website in this area imminently! It’s for finding baby and toddler classes: www.happity.co.uk

For anyone keen to meet up join us at Canvas and Cream at 10am this Sunday - I’ll be there with a few other parents-to-be I’ve met through yoga.
Tagging people who expressed an interest early on: @Hjames @Marina @Thorners @Angeli @Jessie_Humphreys @weepy @simonk133 @Victoria_Wootton

Wow Congratulations!!! What beautiful little mites! You must be over the moon - I hope the transition to parenthood is going smoothly and hope to meet you at some point.

Oh I’'d love to, but we’re not back in London until early next week (we’re
relocating back from the US). Definitely keen to come and say hi next time

Thanks Olivia, hoping to join you next time. I am preparing for my PhD Viva on Sunday so I will not be able to join you this time. Are you in the NCT group (day 2 tomorrow) by the way?

Congratulations! What a beautiful photo…

Good luck with your viva! I am indeed* - I’m sorry I didn’t recognise you, see you in the morning though. *We caved and booked on the course, despite what I’d initially said about not doing NCT!

Thanks Olivia, I’m Away this weekend but would be keen to join the next meet up!

Congrats to you and the family Jonah

Lovely to have met you and hubby at NCT. Looking forward to more opportunities to connect with local parents.

Could we create a Parents 2018 as well? I am expecting in Jan 2018 and would love to meet some local mums on this forum. I’m in Honor Oak Park!

Congrats @QueenK!
I have created a 2018 Parents group. Anyone who joins this will be able to see and create topics in the “2018 Parents” category.

Thought I’d give this thread a bump (
) because recently found out that we’re expecting late Sept this year! Would love to expand our network of new local parents (especially first timers like us
). Please do get in touch.

Hi Joe.
We’re just done the road due 2nd November.
Hope your “journey” is going well so far!

Perhaps of interest for any fathers taking paternity leave. Friend’s husband set it up as a way of meeting others. In Dulwich so close(ish).

Aw thanks @Sgc my work is shortly implementing paid shared parental leave so if it comes through in time I’ll definitely check in with the other dads!

Going okay! Feels scary close now though! Starting NCT next week in Dulwich…

Hi Joe! We are in forest hill and are first time parents with a 5 month old boy hope all is going well, very exciting time!

Hi, hope bumping this thread is OK!
I’m new here, been a Forest Hill resident for a few years, but we’re expecting our first in September and I found this forum while researching parent groups in the area - I wondered if anyone had advice on networking for new parents?

There’s a great network for parents on Facebook in the SE23 Mums group (also for Dads), as I think has been mentioned in this thread before. It can sometimes take a while for membership to be approved.

Oh brilliant, thanks, I’ll check that out.

also noticed someone created a new group SE23 Mums Summer Babies 2019:

Is there a SE23 2020 parents group?

There has been a small parents group on here. Check under the groups heading.
There is also a large SE23 Mums group on Facebook. You will have to ask to join from their FB page.
ETA. I just saw you specifically asked for a 2020 group. I don’t think there is one. You could ask @moderators

Hi @Nomis46,
I have created a 2020 Parents group. Anyone who joins this will be able to see and create topics in the “2020 Parents” category.

Thanks - we’ve been trying to join that group for a while but our request never gets accepted.

Same for me! I’m a member of other ones but for some reason this one won’t let me in

they’re just pretty slow. I don’t think the admins ever expected it to get to 5K members. If you and @Nomis46 DM me your facebook names I will see if they will approve you.

I haf the same issue. I’ve had a request in since 2019. Our baby is almost a year old and still waiting…

As @Beige says they get snowed - probably worth resubmitting it now, or if you DM me your FB name if it’s not approved after a few days I can try and tag you and the admin to get you in.