It’s amazing to watch a new community form, with positive and good-spirited posts on all kinds of topics. I look forward to more people gaining trusted “Verified” status and joining us to help shape the direction of this site.
There has been an isolated post this morning that was a little critical of one of the other local forums, and its creator. The creator emailed me to complain, and I quickly worked to resolve his concerns. The author of the post in question had given me permission to edit her posts, so I modified it to remove the name of the forum, and the creator of the forum. I also put some automation in place to replace future mentions of the creator with Steve Shaw and mentions of his forum with .
It’s a little sad to do this as I am a proponent of free speech, and I’m sure we have plenty of good things to say about this person and his forum, but we need to err on the side of caution and avoid being critical of him, because as the creator pointed out, this could be construed as defamation or libel.
[UPDATE: this automation has now been removed]