Archived on 6/5/2022

Possible New Art Gallery in FH, D Rd

10 Apr '17

Hope this is not cliquey at all & I would encourage all to participate.

Myself & @Michael met with the landlord of what was The Horniman Walrurs painting (41 D Rd) shop yesterday to discuss what it will potentially become.

An upmarket art gallery seems to be what it might become.

Both myself & Michael did point out we liked the @HornimanMuseum Walrus painting quite a lot.

Continuing the discussion from What else does Forest Hill need? [2016]:

10 Apr '17

Do you mean 41 Dartmouth Rd?

In Naked Form

Adorned with Walrus


10 Apr '17

Yes Chris, just changed my mistake from 51-41 D Rd :+1:

11 Apr '17

What does upmarket mean in this context ?

11 Apr '17

My guess would be ‘expensive’.

11 Apr '17

Like Mayfair expensive :wink: ?

11 Apr '17

I’m not sure, that’s the words the landlord used :slight_smile:

11 Apr '17

I took the landlord to see Canvas & Cream afterwards to look at the art work and the space (including skylights) that make it work as a small gallery as well as cafe. He was impressed that Charles Saatchi had visited (and brought the whole collection).

I’m not going to share the name of the person looking at this as a possible business but she has experience of the art business in South East London. It does sound like a good addition to the high street, even without a giant walrus mural.

11 Apr '17

Oh. One name immediately springs to mind. Interesting.

11 Apr '17

If you’re thinking of who i first thought of then no, not her (something of a relief).

11 Apr '17

Damn I would have welcomed Nigella to dartmouth road with open arms :smiley:

11 Apr '17


11 Apr '17

I defo wouldn’t have posted this if it was who I think you thought of :joy:

This lady has never had a shop in FH before :slight_smile:

11 Apr '17

Okay, we should probably stop being cryptic now for the sake of the rest of the forum!

It will be really interesting to see if this goes ahead. How long has that property been empty now?

11 Apr '17

I think it’s been close to 20 years since it was opened when it was a bakery, so it would be great to have it open again :slight_smile:

11 Apr '17

He’s been doing the rounds this lucky guy!

After he told me that I’d been blown out of the water by this prospective artist/dealer buyer 10 days ago, I [begrudgingly] offered my congratulations before dragging him down Havelock Walk where we also had a brief chat with David Mach. So, after your tour as well, he’s properly well acquainted with the artistic soul of the town now.