Stag Beetles

Amazing photo!
There was a good discussion about stag beetles on here last year:

They have got to be my worst nightmare! Glad I’m not notmally in my garden in the evenings

The first time I saw one was in my garage a few years after I moved to FH. I literally jumped back as I moved something and it reared up at me (that may be putting it too strongly)…
Once I saw they were harmless, rare and native I was soon leaving wood piles in the corner of the garden and we got loads of larvae. When they go airborne they are quite funny - like drunk little fighter pilots as they lack a certain elegance. I love seeing them in the garden now but haven’t seen one for a few years.

Yes I have heard that they are becoming extinct. It’s good that you are encouraging them to breed, as of course they are part of nature, I’m just scared of them, especially as they fly!

I’ve never seen any but do have some log piles so hoping they get used. I believe SE23 is quite good for them though. Sure we could all help with these, and wildlife in general with a few more unkept areas in gardens.

Saw another two flying last night,this time about 9 30pm in our garden - Perry Rise. It really is their time right now and humid weather brings them out. Foresthillnick, wheǹ preparing to take off it looks like they rear up at you but it’s just they need a certain angle to spread wings and get off the ground. It helps if they are on a slope. they never seem to get very good at flying though, do they.

The last time I saw a stag beetle was when I was living in Wynell Road (over 13 years ago), when I saw several. There was a time when I found one at the entrance to my back door, so I put it at the back of the garden, only to find it at the entrance to my back door again. Two or three times I put it at the back of the garden. That was a bit strange.
On another occasion, I was talking to my next door neighbour at the front and noticed one on the pavement nearby. I said to my neighbour “Oh, look at that”, and before I could blink she’d gone over to it and stomped on it. “I can’t stand them”, she said. That really upset me. It wasn’t doing us any harm and we could easily have moved away if either of us had a phobia. Some people have very little respect or consideration for other life. Any wonder we’re in the middle of the 6th great extinction!

Heard a pair mating in my buddleia some years ago. Also remember the 1976 hot summer invasion, walking home just off Lewisham High Street through a swarm. Upstairs neighbour’s had left their bedroom window open and had a mass invasion! How things have changed.

A good writeup by Sydenham Councillor Chris Best, with details on reporting sightings to the London Wildlife Trust:

I rescued a male stag beetle that had turned turtle near the crossing on London Road early on Wednesday morning. Hope he’s OK! Amazing creatures.

Saw one on the bridge walkway at Forest Hill station on Thursday night.
It was stood on its hind legs making a real racket…a clickking sound
A sweet guy was trying to rescue him by getting him onto a newspaper.
I think they’re adorable.

Had one flying in the back garden this week - amazing!

We seemed to have been inundated with them last year in FH. I dug a stag beetle larva up in the garden last week, bloody Nora, they are ugly.

Yes Thats him!
I was really touched that he stopped and thought to do that.
it was a lovely caring and gentle gesture.

It’s stag beetle time of year again - here’s a female in the garden yesterday.

We’ve had 3 sightings in our garden in the last few days. There is a website where you can report sightings of these endangered critters.

Came across one on the pavement near the Horniman earlier today. It was moved away from oncoming thoroughfare.
Really hoping I might catch one or two in the garden!

Saw our first one of the year last night, flying in the garden.

I’m really frightened of them!

I need to keep an eye for them, not seen any but would love to - @GillB if you see one send it my way!

I was going to say I will send you a photo, but don’t think I’ll want to get that close! So I’ll just let you know the location!

Just seen a huge stag beetle, flying then walking through my yard. Massive. They like it if you bury or keep a few logs in your garden and are out and about this time of year.