56 Honor Oak Park, SE23 Invitation.pdf (107.7 KB)
Dominos Planning Committee meeting (rescheduled)

Lewisham Town Hall Civic Suite - Thursday 2nd August 7.30pm.

Yes I just got an e mail from Lewisham Council. What annoys me is that no matter what we say as regards about not wanting another pizza place, (& the fact that objections to it wouldn’t even be heard at the last meeting) what is the point? Or am I giving in too easily?

The council officers will be recommending to Grant Planning Permission. There reasoning can be read at http://councilmeetings.lewisham.gov.uk/documents/s58632/56%20Honor%20Oak%20Park%20SE23%20Committee%20Report.pdf
This includes a table of objections and responses:
Objectors will be given 5 minutes to speak against the application, to summarise these objections or others. The decision will be made based on planning rules and, on this occasion, I don’t think there is much chance that the planning committee will reach any decision other than the recommendation to approve.

@Michael, thank you for providing this info.
It does seem absurd that moped delivery hubs can take over existing takeaways without any chance for local residents to object. Mopeds will be massively anti-social, especially late at night (11pm).
The noise and fumes (mopeds stink) will also put people off relaxing outside Ground and Grapes and other local cafes and bars.
Can the council not impose a rule such that only electric bikes are allowed?

You could certainly ask for that, but the council does not have a policy restricting vehicle types for delivery businesses. Without such a policy, any special case made in this location would likely be rejected by the planning inspector.

If I may add (for those who aren’t familiar with the planning process) -
… should the application be refused at this committee meeting and it’s subsequently taken to appeal.

It sounds like the best we can do is appeal to Dominos themselves. Perhaps if we can demonstrate people’s opinion on the moped problem we can encourage the chain to use electric bikes.
At the moment, given the proposed Dominos store, this is the reaction our straw poll revealed:
If Dominos agreed to use quiet, non-polluting electric bikes for delivery, how would you feel about them opening a store in this location?:
Yes please
No thanks
Don’t mind
- Other (please comment)
0 voters

At least it closes at 11pm. I’ve definitely ordered Dominos locally at 4 - 5am before, so at least the residents won’t be disturbed all night

From a planning perspective it looks like a fait accompli, however, I think it could work without affecting HOP too badly if
- the shopfront is symathetically/discretely designed,
- the delivery bikes are silent and not strewn all across the pavement or taking-up valuable and necessary parking spaces for customers of HOP’s businesses,
- the delivery riders are repectful of pedestians, residents and other businesses and their customers.

Yes the mopeds will be a problem, ideally would be great if they are electric and non polluting and would be a great improvement on the main roads too. However another issue with the bikes being very quiet, while they are rat running the back streets people won’t hear them coming whereas you do hear petrol bikes. I nearly stepped out right in front of an electric car the other day on Gabriel Street as just didn’t see or indeed hear it come around the corner!!

Used to live in SE6 and domino’s never was our home delivery choice after one order. Papa John’s if you want a damaged brand sells better grub but why not try indies close to your manor.

If anyone wants to attend a reminder that this meeting is this evening at Lewisham Town Hall Civic Suite at 19.30pm.

Planning committee approved Dominos application this evening as expected albeit all committee members agreed with our concerns. Hands were well and truly tied and it is a sad case of affairs that so many local concerns can’t be taken seriously by Lewisham Council. Either way Dominos are coming to HOP soon. Their representative murmured something about some of their fleet being electric bikes. One positive thing is that signage will be externally illuminated and more sympathetic than initial design. Opening hours restricted to current hours, To extend they would need to put in a planning application.

Such a shame. Goodbye to our nice quiet roads and sitting outside Hattush etc on a nice summer evening

That was the reason I didn’t go. The council are just not interested in our concerns & have always made it clear that it’s going ahead whether we like it or not. As Emily says such a shame, but there you go…

I hope you can prove some of the allegations made

The man in the fish & chip shop has a takeaway license for a start…

My reply was to HOP80’s post which have been taken down I assume due to the allegations made.

From what I can see, HOP80 deleted their own posts and also their account. It doesn’t look like a moderator was involved.

Ok, being as you didn’t say that thought a general reply was warranted, sorry

A proper Turkish bath with sauna would be amazing… but as widely pointed out this planning hearing wasn’t about change of use.
But still…