Join us for a casual get-together - pop in for five minutes to have your profile verified… or stay and see where the night takes us.
@AllInnOne was a cracking meetup venue back in July last year, and we’re returning on Friday.
- Friday, Feb 24th, 7:30pm
- Directions to All Inn One
Obviously you’ll enjoy our company, but in case you needed further convincing - Friday is the penultimate day of Japanese comfort food pop-up sensation @FowlMouths at All Inn One
We’ll bid a sad farewell to our charming moderator @Londondrz (pictured below at our June meetup) - who definitely deserves a drink on me for his efforts here.
All are welcome, and we’d particularly like to meet those who’ve recently signed up.
We’re grateful for your feedback regarding the forum and there’s a drink of your choice waiting in exchange for your insight
Let us know if you’re able to make it:
I’ll be there
- I may see you there
I can’t make it this time
0 voters
Previous meetups: