I went to the Forest Hill Ward Assembly at the Pools yesterday. I’m not a user of the pools or gym and I couldn’t hear some of the questions that were asked from the floor, as some ladies waved away the microphone despite the co-ordinator’s best attempts to get them to use it.
Mannie, the new pools manager, did her best to answer questions. She had a male colleague (Matthew?) with her.
I did feel for her as she was rather ambushed by James Lee’s [Lewisham Director of Culture and Community (job share)] announcement that Lewisham has had the results of an in depth survey, which revealed that the wooden timber frame that the showers were built on as part of the original [re]build has shifted. James said that the developers would be responsible and Lewisham would go back to them to pursue that claim - although Lewisham also has insurance that will cover it. Neither Mannie nor Fusion had been told about that in advance.
James Lee had been at the Assembly to talk about NCIL and lead what we all though was going to be a table top group discussion about funding priorities. But that isn’t how it played out.
James gave a talk and answered a few questions about NCIL, then moved straight on to talk about the Pools (prior to the audience NCIL discussion). He dropped the bombshell about the structural problems and introduced Mannie and her colleague. Then he left. I might have blinked and missed him saying he was going, but he handed the mic over and then I thought he was just going to the back of the room to get a cup of tea, but he walked straight out.
So poor Mannie was left to it. She’s barely had time to get her feet under the table and she’s obviously inherited quite a shambles.
She said they have a staff shortage - especially of life guards. They are recruiting. Though it was pointed out by an audience member that a lot of their problems weren’t down to recruitment - e.g. lack of name badges.
An audience member said the fact that they have such a high staff turnover could be an indication that they’re not valuing their employees. Do they pay enough? Matthew said they pay the London Living Wage. How does that attract someone to such a responsible job?
It would have been helpful if James Lee - who was clearly in a position to help answer some of the questions - had stayed. Leo did his best with fielding them - and with the delayed NCIL discussion (again minus James Lee) that followed. It wasn’t very satisfactory.