Archived on 6/5/2022 is a year old :tada:
16 May '17

A year ago today, opened its eyes and took its first breath.

62 visits the first day, 94 the second, 230 the next. The site took off:

Three days after launch - our first real-life meetup:

That evening, we came up with the idea of verified profiles, agreed that would be community-moderated, and inclusive of businesses and residents alike. These ideas have served us well.

We now stand at 1,254 members (200+ verified), with 1,997 topics, made up of 23,122 posts.

72,363 people have passed by 306,075 times, with over 1.4 million page views.

We’ve supported causes, promoted local businesses, reunited lost pets and helped SE23 residents find genuine friendship. It’s been a blast … and shows no sign of slowing down :rocket:

There may be more “dot life” forums in the future, but there will never be another

Here’s to many more years :beers:

17 May '17

You all look so young way back then :smile:

17 May '17

Ah. is a toddler. This explains a lot. :grin: