Archived on 6/5/2022 Proposed Style Tweak #1 [2018]

8 Oct '18

Round Topic Thumbnails

…with a bit of a shadow

Square Topic Thumbnails (current style)

  • Round Thumbnails
  • Square Thumbnails
  • Don’t mind
  • Other (please comment)

0 voters

8 Oct '18

Web devs - if there’s a CSS tweak you’d like to make to, please create a mockup (ideally using Developer Tools in a browser so we can see a realistic preview). Then create a poll similar to the above. We’ll give the poll a few days and I’ll implement the people’s choice.

12 Oct '18

Round thumbnails it is!

I’d encourage anyone of a techie persuasion to experiment by re-styling part of the site and putting their design to the vote.

I am always open to ideas when it comes to improving and ready to make the changes our members want to see

15 May '20

Reminder to all members with web dev skills:

If there’s a CSS change you’d like to make to this forum, please post a before/after screenshot and poll.

I guarantee to implement any styling/layout changes which are approved by a majority of members.

Examples of possible customisations:

20 May '20

4 posts were split to a new topic: Dark Mode

20 May '20