If I were to set up a local book club would anyone be interested? To be completely honest I’d mainly want to drink beer and have a light discussion about the book, as opposed to anything too ‘highbrow’! I know there are a few others that are vaguely local but, selfishly, I’d like to keep it as close to my house as possible
Book club?

Hi Natalie - this was proposed by @Sylvanpost last year, and @Katie, @topofthehill, @Tatiana_Laud, @yasmin_c, @Pauline and @TomAngel were all interested - it didn’t happen last year, but I’m sure you’d have some takers if you wanted to set a club up:

Well im happy to organise if people are up for it…

HI everyone, I’d like to be involved - let me know. Sounds good.

I would join if it was once a month or so. Just to give a chance to actually read the book! Naturally glass of wine will help the discussion. Always interesting to read other people’s suggestions.

I would be interested!

I’d love to join! Keep me posted

Also interested! Was actually just trying to find a local book group so lucky. Beer / wine consumption also sounds great!

I’m interested - been looking for a local book club for a while

Ok… so how about we pencil in the last week of January? Thursday 25th? Or the week after (after dry January). Suggest a light read to start (one of last year’s prize winners?) and then onwards members can nominate books?
@moderators - can I set up a poll for the day/venue/book?

I’m interested as well

Hi @Natalieh101, yes, you can create a poll. I’d recommend starting a new topic for this.
Type (or copy/paste) the following into a post to create the polls (tweak options as required)
[poll name=days type=regular public=true] * January 20th, 7:30pm * January 21st, 7:30pm [/poll] [poll name=venues type=regular public=true] * Sylvan Post * All Inn One [/poll] [poll name=books type=regular public=true] * War and Peace * 50 Shades [/poll]
Note that all polls need a unique name

I have created a new group called @book_club containing all the people who’ve responded so far.
To join the Book_Club group, click: https://se23.life/groups/Book_Club/members and then click “Join Group”
Note: If you mention @book_club in your post, it will notify all members of the group (by email if they haven’t recently visited).

I’m interested.

I would definitely be up for this - and as already mentioned a glass of wine at the same time would be not go amiss! strong text

This would be great!

Hi, I’d be interested too, keep me posted!

Yes please! Would like to be kept updated too.

Thanks Chris!

@book_club Can anyone with a preference DM book suggestions by end of day tomorrow? I’ll then set up a poll for the first ‘meeting’
Thanks all!

The Basic Eight by Daniel Handler -
Trouble with Lichen by John Wyndham
Haley Green

I’l have a think of books that I want to read - I’ve got a stack under the bed!

I’m definitely up for it, as I am pretty new to the area! Looking forward to hearing the book and date choices.

Okay…. So as to avoid lots of indecision, I’ve listed three book choices, three dates and two venues as below…… Suggest we go with the majority and if there’s a tie – I’ll just pick!
Goodreads info on the books, and poll, below:
- Post Office
- The Basic Eight
- The Power
0 voters
Date and time:
- Wednesday 24 January, 7:00pm
- Thursday 25 January, 7:00pm
- Wednesday 31 January, 7:00pm
0 voters
- Sylvan Post
- The Honor Oak
0 voters
Suggest we leave this open until the weekend. Thanks for the contributions!

Thanks for doing this Natalie! Have responded - however I should add I am happy with either venue!

I am also happy with both venues

@Cara, @Irmani_Smallwood, @TomAngel,
Would any verified members attending this meetup be willing to verify the SE23.life profiles of book club attendees on the night? Would be a great opportunity to spread the verified love.
Let me know if so and I can give you the ability to verify SE23.life profiles, it’s a straightforward process.

I’d happily join - the one I set up in my street has unfortunately peetered out

Sure - happy too If I can make the date that’s selected (and I read the book!)

Yes v happy to if I can make that evening!

I’m new to this site and am very much looking forward to coming along!

Definitely up for this!

Discussion continues here: Book club - first meeting - Weds 31st January, The Honor Oak
Join the Book Club group to be notified of future events.