Has there ever been one? Does anyone think there would be support for one? Perhaps the budgetary constraints in local government make the policy differences irrelevant, if there’s no money for anything except statutory functions?
Hustings for Local Elections

What - even eggs and tomatoes…?

We’ve been here since 1981 and I don’t remember any hustings for ward elections, though there have been some for the borough mayor elections

I don’t think hustings are funded by local authorities. I recall the 2017 hustings a JK Banquet’s was funded by the Forest Hill Society and donations on the day.

I’m speaking to the Sydenham Society about a hustings for Mayoral candidates since we can be guaranteed a new mayor in May. It would probably be very similar to the parliamentary hustings last year, but I would welcome any other thoughts on the matter, or volunteers to help set it up.
It is my next project after the street party this weekend.

Let me know if you need some help.

I didn’t mean to suggest that they were.
I am saying - does it matter which party wins the election, if they have no other purpose than what is delegated by statute from central government. What use is a policy in this situation?

They do have control over crucial matters like housing, planning, local services, council tax levels and grants. I believe they do also have control over certain land as well - making them the arbiters of significant change to the borough.
I’d like to hear more from the various candidates to see how they might innovate and deliver more for our money.
The council may feel a bit opaque at the moment - that could change if we get more councillors like Labour’s outgoing @MajaHilton, and prospective Conservative candidate @Liam_Gilgar, who are willing to engage with the local community on forums like this.

Nominally they may have control, but in fact they don’t because they have no money for anything except statutory obligations, and some LA’s are struggling to meet even those.
Council Tax levels are set by Westminster.

Apologies if this is already known, but there were some mayoral hustings planned back on Sept 1st 2017, which were organised by Parents Engage Lewisham, to discuss education, but got cancelled at the last minute. (Full story here: https://lewishamlately.wordpress.com/2017/08/31/parents-denied-chance-to-quiz-mayoral-hopefuls-on-lewisham-schools/)
I imagine there will be some mayoral hustings before May 3rd but I have yet to hear any confirmation. If I hear anything I will post here.

Update - As I understand there will be at least 2 mayoral hustings, one organised by Goldsmiths Students Union and one by Lewisham Parents Engage. I am yet to get the details on the Lewisham Parents Engage one, but details of the Goldsmiths one can be found at the following link:
The date is Wednesday 21st March, 1-3pm at Goldsmiths Students Union.
Something of a shame that it is in the afternoon on a weekday!
I will post details of the Lewisham Parents Engage hustings when I hear.

My understanding is that the Engage hustings about education will be on 19th April.

Ah thank you! So it is! I see there is an Eventbrite page for it…

Thanks for the information Liam.
Both these organisations are hugely leftwing. It’s a shame there is no politically neutral group organising hustings.

Having received my polling card yesterday my thoughts came back to this. Any update? My vote is still undecided.

Why can’t we hear from all candidates for office, not just Mayoral candidates?
I would vote for independent local candidates prepared to look into issues raised by local residents. Papers have to be submitted 19 working days before the election. There’s still time!

With apologies to all our finest representatives and candidates. Some observational humour.
Two fine upstanding members of Glasgow’s electorate are on their way to the local hustings.
Naturally upon passing their favourite hostelry they drop in for a wee dram - or two.
The first punter says to the second “I can’t help but see you’ve brought a bag of eggs and tomatoes”.
“Aye” says the second.
“But surely you know you’re wasting your time”, says the first, “around here the opposition never get a look in.”
“Aye, I know”, says the second, “but they’re no for them, they’re for the party we vote for.”
“How come?”, says the first.
“It serves to remind those chancers who is really in charge around here.”, says the second.

I know this has been posted on a new thread but thought I’d also add it here -
The Forest Hill Society and The Sydenham Society invite you to ask your questions to candidates for Mayor of Lewisham on Monday 23rd April at 7:30pm. At the Sydenham Centre, 44 Sydenham Road.

Here’s the other thread for those looking for it: