Our car was hit again today, driver denied doing it. Sainsbury’s totally not interested in doing anything about this problem.
Getting very tired of this happening time and again.
Sainsbury’s truck hit another car

Are you on Twitter? If you posted every incident with photos and tagged Sainsbury’s you might get a bit more interest from them.

I remember your last post on this: Sainsburys truck strike again
Totally unacceptable that Sainsbury’s won’t take responsibility for this.
You shouldn’t have to do so, but I would get some CCTV put up (maybe from a top floor room, through the window). If you can catch the truck in the act and then show them the footage, they’ll be forced to take it seriously.

I have been but just get the same we are very sorry and we understand but nothing happens

That’s my next move

My other half has got very excited about this. But it is a) expensive and b) not yet available.

Perhaps park it on Waldenshaw Rd instead. Then all you have to worry about is getting out of the car as others fly past at 60mph in a bid to get to Sainsburys 2 seconds earlier than normal.

@anon5422159 - is this something the SE23.life twitter account could be proactive about? I imagine Sainsburys feel comfortable fobbing of a few tweets directed just at their timeline from an individual but might pay more attention to something from SE23.life that we could all retweet the heck out of. (Although I might not be able to top my ‘cute dog’ tweet that’s currently sitting at 26K likes and 3K retweets!)


Thank you

Over to you, @Blindbear

Will dig out dates and place and will reply to the tweet

From that earlier thread and Sainsbury’s lack of interest was being discussed.
Name and shame Sainsbury’s.
Try any legal route open to you. Report every incident to the MPS - systematic abuse by Sainsbury’s will eventually register an interest there too.
Is the Small Claims Court - an online process - a valid option to register claims of unpaid restitution of costs for damages to your cars?

A good idea is a dashcam that recognises movement if the car is hit, dashcam records.

I responded to Sainsbury’s tweet for more info sent it to them. My reply was call the insurance company and the police. No interest in trying to sort the problem out shocking customer service.

Once might be an accident. More than once could be described as willful. I’d call the police.

I would definitely call the police at this point. It shouldn’t fall upon you to do so but the outcome is probably going to be better if you do.

I would assume the response from Sainsburys is based on “failure to report an accident”
As no one stopped at the scene, and there are no witnesses as such, the only response a customer services advisor can really give is to report it to your insurance company, and allow them, and the police to investigate, to see if the culprit can be identified and dealt with.
As frustrating as it is, it is the correct route to deal with the matter at hand, the damage.
With regards to the ongoing issue, as has been suggested, get a camera rolling on it, especially if it is parked within sight of your house. I have an old dash cam you can use to capture some footage it that helps.
I doubt very much that a company the size of Sainsburys would engage in such a discussion on social media, and would certainly not admit fault. Their legal dept will more than likely be happy to continue it in private.
Certainly worth seeking the opinions of the local police, Lewisham council, your insurance company etc.

If there is evidence of fault on the part of the other vehicle/driver, won’t your insurance company recover your costs?

Superficial & meaningless commentary from Sainsbury’s. It might be anticipated that anyone making a claim will have advised their insurance company of their suspicions that it was a Sainsbury’s lorry that inflicted the damage.
They insurance company in turn should be interrogating Sainsbury’s insurers about knowledge and/or liability for the damage.
If Sainsbury’s play a card that their transport managers know nought of the incident and the insurer takes no further action as a direct result - Sainsbury’s have autonomously severed any connection between their liability and any obligation to reimburse the damaged vehicles owners.
Who investigates the investigators. This could be viewed as a criminal action and the MPS should keep track of multiple incidents and act if they find acts that are not lawful and intended to deceive.

Stating the obvious, the problem is really the location of the loading bay. If only there was some way to bring the goods in via the front outside of opening hours, although that’s hardly practical as it would be noisy at night, and you can’t really stop out front as the Circular is so narrow at that point.
However, even to supply a relatively small supermarket they seem to get a good number of trucks a day, in addition to all the other suppliers (lots of bread trucks) who seem to deliver independently. It’s not all own brand Sainsbury’s trucks, so without pic/video evidence it’s hard to prove who’s causing the problems.

The loading bay leads straight into the lower level warehouse, so bringing deliveries through the front would be problematic to say the least. As you say the volumes and timings of the deliveries make it nigh on impossible.
Can the OP advise if the location vehicles are struck is the same every time.
I wonder if the outcome will be Sainsburys asking/paying Lewisham to have this point made no parking as it causes access issues for them.

We got hit on Waldenshaw Road a few years back.

The vehicles that get hit are at the junction of Pearcefield Avenue and St Davids Road where the lorries swing left to turn right onto Pearcefield Avenue and the cars parked at the top of the parking bay on Pearcefield Avenue because one of the Sainsbury’s managers has told lorry drivers they aren’t allowed to reverse into the loading bay, so they swing right to try and make the extremely tight left turn. They are also hampered by the Sainsbury’s staff cars parked at the entrance to the loading bay.