It is an interesting idea, although one that might not have much support from residents of Sunderland Road. There is one big problem with Sunderland Road and that is the junction with the South Circular - turning right out of Sunderland Road and turning right into Sunderland Road from the eastbound carriage way of Waldram Park Road.
The right turn out isn’t a huge issue, as little traffic joins the South Circular heading east at this point (more likely to head down Woolstone Road or Kemble Road). But the right turn into Sunderland Road would be an issue especially since it is a bus route. Inevitably it would require traffic lights to facilitate the tricky turn and the filter lane would need to be extended.
The other end of Sunderland Road would also need consideration if there were to be an increase in vehicles turning right into Sunderland Road immediately after a mini-roundabout. It would be too easy for the mini-roundabout to become mini-gridlock.
Both of these problems have solutions, the question is whether residents of Sunderland Road should be expected to accept their road being upgraded to the B227.
It is also worth considering just how much positive impact this scheme would make to the town centre. Is this side of the railway the right place for a market. My opinion is that the station car park (or a new plaza) is the best place for a market - which is part of the suggestion the Forest Hill Society is currently consulting about.
However, I don’t see a regular market as particularly viable, and would be concerned about the impact on local businesses. I could go into a lot of detail about the market for markets (and my wife and I have run one or two between us), but this thread is really about the roads.
One of the ideas I’ve been considering (a bit less radical than Chris) is to:
a) Leave access to Perry Vale as it is, but add a pedestrian crossing
b) Make the Perry Vale section of the Triangle one-way (a scheme we have suggested before)
c) Make Sunderland Road and Westbourne Drive one way for vehicle traffic (probably southbound on Sunderland and northbound on Westbourne)
d) Add dedicated cycle lanes to both Sunderland Road and Westbourne Drive to provide better cycle routes and restrict traffic flow on these residential roads.
As with other road schemes, I don’t think there is a single scheme that solves all the problems. But I do think is that it is worth creating and discussing ideas to see what might work. And there is money from the Mayor of London for such schemes - which is why the Forest Hill Society and Sydenham Society are slowly working to develop some ‘Liveable Streets’ initiatives in our areas, thinking about how to make local roads more bike and pedestrian friendly. Which is why Brendan raised the issue here a couple of weeks ago. And we would be keen to hear from more people who have ideas about how their roads and their non-car travel could be improved in the area.