You are very lucky @Michael , I left that username available just for you
Verified Members [2016-2020]

Hahaha anon64893700
Yep, I can verify Martin @rbmartin too.

I suspect I have met @brett but given the difficulty in verifying myself I could not say for certain.
Funny thing is we have all met possibly with the exception of Chris. I guess this will be rectified tomorrow. Sadly I can’t make it.

I’ve met @anon5422159 @Michael & he’s a lovely enthusiastic chap interested in getting involved in our community

Rob, can you verify I am a true flesh and blood person?

I cannot vouch for blood, but I have seen @Gary_Brown often enough in Pilates classes to vouch for him having flesh
- that doesn’t sound right, does it?
he is not a bot!

Maybe I should have said blood and sweat?

Ben (Benjamin Mathews) popped in today to say he joined. I can verify him as a local resident & trader.

I have verified him. Thanks @Pauline.

@anon5422159 @anon64893700 I can now verify Ryan @comoed

Good work @pauline and @comoed. I’ve given verified status

Guys, I can verify @jonfrewin he’s a customer & also created the FB group “Fab Forest Hill”.

Thanks @Pauline, I have marked @jonfrewin as verified. Welcome, Jon! Could you add a profile photo please? We ask that all verified users do so.

Thanks v much both - done.

Can Maggie be verified, she’s @magse23

Sure thing. She’ll need a profile photo and I can sort this out for her. How about this?

Hehe nowhere near flattering enough for our @magse23

@anon5422159 use the one from her FB page

Done. Cheers @Pauline

Has Stefan (Ferreira) joined yet? If he has I can verify him as one of my fav locals that does lots for our community

Can’t see him on here, but will look out for him. He was really helpful on Twitter, tweeting positively about the forum to his 1,000+ following!

Cheers @anon5422159 I’ll give him a buzz or drop him an email later on

I can verify @theforesttrail
Caroline if you add a profile pic @anon5422159 @anon64893700 or @thirstforwine can do this for you

Thanks @Pauline all done.

I can verify @armadillo as my customer. Can you add verification @anon5422159 @anon64893700 @thirstforwine
He’s also @LiseOfFH’s husband

All done, cheers @Pauline
Welcome to the site, @armadillo!

Brendan @brencud if you add a pic to your profile & email me or DM me on Twitter your profile can be verified
Jane @Bake-cake & James @OlympiCubs if you can do the same & message me on FB

Can we verify @stefan74uk guys

Done! Welcome to the site, @stefan74uk!
By the way @Pauline I have just created a way in which you can verify users directly in an easy single-step process. Will talk you through this at the next meetup x

Thanks very much @Pauline and @anon5422159

Great Chris, good idea x

Jane @Daffodil I’ve just verified you

Edda @Edd welcome to the forum and thanks for popping in to get verified, all done now. It’s always nice to see you guys
We ask that all verified users add a profile pic, so could you add one please.

Allow me to take a break from work to add my welcomes to @Edd and @Daffodil and of course @stefan74uk

Thanks! It took me a while to decide on my username and profile picture! I will pop into your shop and if you have any spare posters I can put one up on the parents noticeboard at Kilmorie school.

Kate @TravelCounsellor (and better half of @BMSE23 ) I’ve just verified you. Can you add a profile pic please as we ask this of all verified users x

Welcome, @Daffodil, and great choice of name and profile photo I will do a midnight run to Forest Hill and drop some more posters into @Pauline’s shop. Kind of you to offer to put one up. Much appreciated.
Welcome also to @Edd and @TravelCounsellor. Any questions about the site, let me know.

Hi Chris, thanks, there’s no rush as schools are on half term holiday this week. I’ll pop up to Sugar Mountain on Thursday.

@anon5422159 not to worry, I have a few spare so no problem to pass one on to Jane on Thursday x

Hi @anon5422159 thanks for adding me and looking forward to getting to know everyone.

Hi @Pauline, thanks for the verification, profile pic now added and yes the better half of @BMSE23 !! x

Thanks - good to be here

I have now verified @brencud local & FH Soc member x

@Ruth if you add a profile pic & message me on FB I can verify you x
@stephenshillito if you can add a profile pic & tweet or DM me on Twitter I can verify your profile too x

Guys @anon5422159 @anon64893700 @thirstforwine has anyone picked up V22’s registration

I have DM’d their account on Twitter offering to help, if they’re having trouble signing up. I don’t think they have signed up yet.

Hey Tom @TomAngel I’ve just verified you x

And thanks for the follow on Twitter @TomAngel

Helps to run! But thanks.

Just verified @andrea who’s a local resident & owner of BOnA

Welcome @andrea. Big fan of BOnA!

Thank you Pauline!

Thank you Chris, hope to see you soon for a pizza again. Great job with the forum!

I have verified our Labour Councillor Paul Upex @CllrPaulUpex who has just joined the forum. Welcome, Paul.
Also verified @V22 - welcome, Emily - looking forward to hearing more about your community projects.

Welcome indeed to the new members of our ever growing community
@CllrPaulUpex @V22 @andrea and everyone else who has joined recently.
Fantastic to have such a wonderful bunch of diverse and influential people on board so early.

I’ll be in the Perry Vale till 7pm, then the Capitol with @anon64893700 till at least 8pm if anyone wants to say hi and get verified. I don’t bite

Oooh get you, eating first, whilst I rush home, hmmph! haha
See you in a bit mate.
And yes, would be fun to see new faces to say hi to.

At least guys @anon5422159 & @anon64893700 hope you had a good night & see ya both soon x

Just verified @Millie another local dog lover & @Lorna_Fagan who’s just about to join our local traders
Emma @emmac if you add a profile pic & message me on FB I can verify your profile x

Hey Rin @EllipticalEggs just verified you, can you add a profile pic please, right back to serving your little man now x

I’ve verified @Emma_Heckman now, Emma can you add a profile pic please, always nice to see you guys x

@_Ed I’ve now verified you

@Ruth I’ve now verified you x

Just verified @Sol a fellow local who is updating #FHFW website this year & a local web designer.
Thanks Sol Xxx

Good stuff @pauline. Welcome to the website @sol. We ask that all verified members add a profile photo please. Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!

Hey guys, thanks for adding me.
Great job on the site Chris, i’ll add my mug shot today.
Looking forward to meeting you and the gang at the next get together.

I’ve just verified @Baboonery It was nice to meet you David
I’ve also verified @emmac who was in at the same time & she’ll add a profile pic

Angela @finches if you add a pic of you or frank I can verify your profile xx

Emily @EmBrand I’ve just verified you x

I’ve verified your profile now Angela xx

Thanks Pauline. Be good to catch up on the 30th. x

James @OlympiCubs I’ve just verified you

Just verified @Simon from @TheArchieParker & he’s added to our FHTA website now

Welcome to the site, @Simon, and many thanks for updating the FHTA website to add the link

I’ll be sitting outside Mamma Dough till 8pm this evening if any Honor Oakers want to say hi and get verified. I’m wearing a stripey red and white shirt my workmates describe as “the clown shirt.” You’ll spot me by my laptop, as always!

Had a very enjoyable chat & beer with @Brett and @Liz_Hall - love impromptu meetings with SE23.lifers!

aren’t you engaged to said Ms @Liz_Hall? I’m not sure I count that as ‘impromptu’
perfect evening for sitting out with pizza and wine (or even beer, I guess) though

Was more referring to Brett but yes I stand partially corrected!

Just verified @joerobot

Just verified @Mary Welcome to the forum Mrs x

Welcome again to all the new faces appearing on here, great to have you all on board, and thanks for getting verified. @Mary @joerobot

I have verified @No41Coffee based on their email address. Welcome to the site, Tolga. We look forward to hearing all about No. 41 coffeehouse.

Hi Pauline, just added a profile picture & a little ‘About Me’ bio. Regards Stephen

Cheers Stephen, I’ve just verified you

Welcome to the site, @stephenshillito. Hope to say hi at one of our meetups.

I have verified @StillnessInfant as I can see they’re using the “London Grid for Learning Trust” network to access this site. Welcome, @StillnessInfant, and thank for posting about your Summer Fair

Thanks Chris it is @anon65350507 i have set this up for work

Good stuff, Ann!

Just verified Annette @Globalgetaway welcome to the forum A x

Welcome @Globalgetaway ! We ask that all verified users add a profile photo (preferably of your face). Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

Just verified @Mitchy117 can you add a profile pic please (preferably of yourself) as we ask this of all verified users

I’ve also verified two lovely people
@iovana who is a Pilates instructor and owner of the @studioone Pilates / Yoga studio
@SJE a leading voice in the world of wine and chocolate … what a combination!

Welcome to the site @iovana and @SJE!

Thank you! rustleschocolatewrappingpaper

I’m currently eating a Terry’s Chocolate Orange for dessert. #fellowChocolateExpert

Send @SJE to me to have a chat about chocolate.
Maybe I could stock products she advises in

Actually @SJE has quite literally “written the book” on chocolate - I’m sure you could have a good chat about it … though I suspect she has expensive tastes

That’s good with me!
I’d llove to have a chat about this & possibly have workshops & book signings with @SJE

@SJE - aha - you’re a writer! I just added you to our Wordsmiths group, which gives you access to the special Site Editorial category.

Rob could you put us in direct email contact please. I’d love to work together with @SJE on maybe a monthly workshop/project/chocolate of the month or something similar.
Or even better on one off events if possible. Feel free to pass on my email

Thank you very much!!!

Wow that’s quick! ‘Expensive tastes…’ I’m all yours for a KitKat. I still remember the silver foil wrapped bars with the paper overcoat. Ritual is a very important part of chocolate, and smoothing the silver paper over the lettering. So much better than the flow wrap bars of today. And then do you nibble off the chocolate round the edges (I do) or bite a large wedge? Stop me, I can get carried away.

Chris did you hear the item on R 4 yesterday about how the best bit is the ‘core’. I agree!

There’s something about the wafer-thin chocolate of the segments as they reach the core - and the irregular chunkiness of the core… oh yes, absolute gold!

Welcome to the forum @saratateno I’ve just verified you x

Hey Hannah @Verds I’ve just verified you x Hannah is a local FH resident, helps out when she’s not too busy with FHFW social media & also done an article on a local FH (80’s icon) resident for The Guardian last year

Just verified you @Clair add a pic please Mrs Xx

Just verified Councillor @ChrisBarnham. Welcome to the site, Chris, and thanks to @MajaHilton for letting me know you were here. Chris - let me know if you’d prefer to have “Labour Councillor” shown next to your name (this is optional and could be changed back to “Verified” at any time).

Verified @Ed.H electronically via an email from his company. Welcome onboard Ed!

Welcome all.

Hi Pauline, can you verify me please? (Leah, Pilates teacher at twist)

Just verified you, nice chatting to you the other day & welcome to the forum x

Welcome to the site, @leahlouise1
You might enjoy this topic:

Just verified @EarlGrey & a pic will be added soon. always nice to see you Sarah & hope you can make the meet up on Thursday x

Thanks Chris

Thanks Pauline, might have to pop in tomorrow after class

Just verified @Joel_Cross after he popped in for a chat at the weekend, Joel’s new to the area so welcome to SE23 & the forum
@Chipcity I’ve also verified you Chris, Chris is a local & one of my customers, welcome to the forum Chris

Welcome to the site, @EarlGrey, @Joel_Cross and @Chipcity. Cheers @Pauline!

Thanks Pauline - good to see you too - hope to make it on Thursday!

Just verified @ForestHillFilm, who I met last night. Lovely to meet you, and best of luck with your Free Film Festival, which I have just shared on our social channels.

Anyone care to verify this crusty old soul

Hahaha, yes definitely Richard!
Thanks you me old mucker for joining
I’ll go do it now Xx

Hey @Londondrz Mr Hibbert has decided to join us!
Welcome aboard the gravy train Richard

@Pauline @NewForester We letting everyone in now

I have verified artist @Lionel (by known email address). He is responsible for some of the excellent local street art, and we hope he’ll be involved in our project for a better welcome to SE23.
Welcome to, Lionel!

Great news for Honor Oak SE23.lifers
You can now get your profile verified in @No41Coffee at 41 Brockley Rise. Just pop in and speak to Tolga or one of his friendly staff.
Alternatively, for those in Forest Hill, pop in to see @Pauline in Sugar Mountain (57 Dartmouth Road)

Just verified
@CatherineL local resident & interios designer who’s doing some workshops during #FHFW
@Jimmythepope welcome to the forum & thanks for popping in the other day
@MayaOnyett cheers for joining Maya
@Sam_RH welcome to the forum Sam
@Sylvanpost welcome Dave

Great work @Pauline!
Welcome to the forum @CatherineL, @Jimmythepope, @MayaOnyett, @Sam_RH and @Sylvanpost
I see @Sam_RH has added a profile photo, cheers! We ask all verified members to add a profile picture or image to their profile. You may have noticed many of our verified members have photos of themselves as their image. We’ve found that being able to put faces to names really helps keep the forum friendly, civilised and feeling safe and inclusive.
If for any reason you’d rather not use a personal photo, please feel free to add any image you’d like to represent you (respecting all copyright laws, of course!).
To add an image, click the circle in the top right of the page and click the cog, then scroll down for instructions. Thank you.

I have verified Ayden at @Heat-aid - welcome to the site.

Thanks Chris.

Just verified @Ajrmant Was nice to meet you Alistair we ask all verified members to add a profile pic or image so it would be great if you could add one

Verified @Chiccaroline welcome to the forum Caroline & thanks for popping in, was nice to meet you

Just verified @HannahM was lovely to chat to you today & thank you for the light
Hope you enjoyed the ice cream & your friends enjoyed the sweets

Just verified another of my lovely shop neighbours @gulam05 Gu is the owner of “For Your Eyes Only”

I have verified @Fay, who’s involved in Volunteer Centre Lewisham. Welcome to the site, Fay
We ask all verified members to add a profile picture or image to their profile. You may have noticed many of our verified members have photos of themselves as their image. We’ve found that being able to put faces to names really helps keep the forum friendly, civilised and feeling safe and inclusive.
If for any reason you’d rather not use a personal photo, please feel free to add any image you’d like to represent you (respecting all copyright laws, of course!).
To add an image, click the circle in the top right of the page and click the cog, then scroll down for instructions. Thank you.

Just verified @younglewishamproject was good chatting to you today Sarah, I can’t find your personal user name to verify your account so please let me know which one it is

Thanks for verifying the project Pauline and for the really helpful chat today. I’ll chat to the guys about what we discussed and be in touch again very soon. My user name is perky!

Can i get verified retrospectively? I once gave @Pauline a freeview box for free, via se23 mums on Facebook. I don’t think I’ll be able to get to sugar mountain for a while and im desperate to read the thread about kids in cafes

I can verify you if you add a profile photo, and log in to the forum via Facebook button (if your Facebook email address is the same as your email address this will prove your identity).
Alternatively pop along to our July meetup (please vote for the dates you can make).

Just verified @FHGinClub via their linked Twitter account. Thanks for joining!
To promote future paid-for events - please see instructions here.

Just verified Mr @CraftybeerSE23’s profile. Nice to meet you and I will enjoy the beers!

Just verified @starman & @Bolgerp Hope you both enjoyed your sweets today

Am eating them right now. Yum.

Sorry missed this till now, but glad you did

Just verified @merve local artist & new resident to SE23. It’s been so nice chatting to you over the past couple of weeks & love your enthusiasm for the area.

Get to bed Chris, it’s past 1 am

Please can you verify me @Pauline? Thanks!

Just verified you Sarah, see you soon

Just verified @Satchers The lovely Hilary is very active in our community. Great to have you on here Hilary x

Thank you @Pauline

Ooh is there anywhere I can get verified in HOP please? Or via my Twitter account?

[removed by author]

I’ve just seen your Twitter account - looks well established, so by all means tweet something nice about the forum from there and I’ll verify you

Just tweeted! Thank you.

Verified. Cheers

Just verified @Morduee - a friend of mine and @Liz_Hall from nearby SE27. Welcome to the forum, Erica - enjoy a little peek into SE23 life

I’ve verified @TheButcherySE23 via their linked official Twitter account. Thanks for joining, Ruth and Nathan

How long does it take to get verified? Popped in no 41 yesterday morning so waiting to have it confirmed.

Hi @fran, sorry about the delay. At @No41Coffee, they do things a bit differently to Sugar Mountain, where @Pauline verifies people on the spot using her iPad. At the moment a member of No 41 staff writes down your username and passes it to the manager, Tolga.
I have offered to loan an iPad to @No41Coffee so they’re able to verify on the spot. Tolga - the offer’s still on if you’re interested.

It’s fine, I just wanted to make sure it was in progress.

Apologies guys.
Going forward I will give access to my team and they can verify on the spot !
@fran you should be verified now.
Chris cheers for the offer - will discuss at another point one on one.

Pleased to see @PiazzaCucina sign up - I have verified their profile via their associated official Twitter account.

Just verified @catfordstreettrees via their official email address. Welcome to the forum Would love to see a similar campaign for Forest Hill and Honor Oak:

Hi @anon5422159 - the tree planting scheme applies to the whole borough - see Plant a new Street Tree

Just verified @AdultLearning Welcome to the forum Selina

Thanks Pauline

Verified @London_Wire - arrived early to tonight’s meetup, good effort, and nice to meet you, Matt

Just verified @AllInnOne - thanks for the warm hospitality at the meetup last night, Julia and Richard
Also, @V22Collection (via their official email address). Welcome to the forum!

Just verified @Squwif cheers for popping in today Lesley & I’ll check out what we spoke about later on

Just verified @Kate18 See you soon Kate

Just verified @Sneezing7 I bumped into him at @V22_Louise_House on Saturday & the family are also customers of mine
@Alice & @Helen_Edwards message me on FB or Twitter so I can verify you both xx
@John_Paschoud email me so I can verify you John
All, we ask verified members to add a profile pic (preferably of yourself but not necessary) so can all add one please

Just verified @WatersSE23
Stephan is a local resident who will be opening a Fishmonger/Greengrocers in FH very soon & also one of my customers & fellow FHTA member

Hi @WatersSE23, welcome to! Let me know if you’d like to promote a post and we can work together to help advertise your launch to our audience here and on our social media channels. More info here.

Welcome also to @Sneezing7. Let me know if you need any help setting up your profile photo.

Just verified @FHFoodAssembly - looking forward to hearing more about this project

Thanks Chris, didn’t want to verify myself & @Zoleipar x

Is it possible to verify anyone else this way…I have a personal Twitter account and operate Lewisham cyclists one as well If I tweet something nice about from one or both would that do @saoirse60 @lewicyclists

@Taoschno the @lewicyclists account is well established so if you tweeted about from there I’d be happy to verify you.

Just seen your tweet and verified you - cheers @Taoschno!

Just verified @clausy his son is one of my customers, always nice to chat to you when you pop in

Thanks Pauline, as he said, best sweet shop in London and he was very happy to bring his cousins from Cape Cod along too.

Thanks, your son is always very polite when he comes in to me. He’s a great kid & is always enthusiastic about his cycling

@Nancy, I can mark your account as verified if you add a profile photo and mention @SE23life from the official @ChandosSE23 Twitter account. Let me know if you need any assistance with the profile photo.

Just verified @Andrei Thanks for popping in it was nice chatting to you

Cheers Pauline.

Just verified @weepy local resident & customer of mine with his family

Hi Pauline, Please can you vouch for me so that I can become verified! Ta, Ax

Just verified you Alisa xx

Just verified @MammaDough via the known domain on their email address. Welcome to the site.

Just verified @Tersie, who co-owns the excellent @honoroakpark Twitter account.

I can’t verify him/her but I would just like to say “welcome” to @StuartG who hasn’t been around on the Sydenham forum since 2011, at least not using that name. Good to hear from you again. At this rate we could even see the return of baggydave from days of old.

Just verified @Cazimo should have done this before via Twitter but better late than never

Just verified @AndyS

Just verified @Welshcake was lovely to meet you today

Hi Pauline. You know me and my children from shop and also from school too! N x

@nicjane Hi and thanks for joining the forum.
Just a polite note: in order to get verified, we have to use another “channel” to prove you are who you say you are (not that there’s any reason to doubt this in your case).
If you have another way of contacting Pauline (maybe you’re friends on FB for example), reaching out to her through that channel will help her verify your profile on here.

Oh okay no problem. Yes we are friends on fb too

Verified at last! Thanks @Pauline!

Nice to meet you this morning @Phil
@Nicjane message me on Facebook & I can verify you too

Just verified you @Nicjane xx

Just verified @lucyledisco

Woo hoo! Ta Pauline x

Lucy if you want to opt in to politicos let @anon5422159 know & he’ll add you - I think it might be of interest to you

Just verified @Mylene_RT (Railway Telegraph) and @Saigon_Streat via their official email addresses.

Just verified @anon10646030

Thank you pauline

I got verified at @No41Coffee this afternoon (and had a lovely coffee!). Many thanks!

Just verified you @Rebecca_Jane_Hunter See you on Saturday morning xx

Just verified @Lydia93 Looking forward to your performance at FHFW Catwalk Show on Saturday xx

Verified @albionmilgreen as they have signed up via their official Twitter account. Welcome to the forum


Just verified @whatmegandid, a reporter

Just verified @Diana_Hawk local resident that runs a parenting group in the area & also soon to become one of our library volunteers.

Just verified @FusionLewisham, invited to the forum today.

Just verified @andyhughes, prospective Conservative candidate for Brockley ward.

Just verified @Sandinista Welcome to the lounge

Thanks Pauline

Very welcome x

Just verified @Chris_Fisher welcome to the forum Chris

Just verified @trudimc1 Was nice to meet you Trudi & hope you enjoy your rhubarb & custard sweets

Just verified @Deano and he’s off to call TFL again about the traffic lights on D Rd, thanks for chasing this up

Just verified @HopCroftForum via their official email address. Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing information on the Neighbourhood Plan.

Just verified @Thewrongtrousers was nice meeting and chatting to you Tom

Just verified @robin.orton welcome to the lounge Robin

Thanks, Pauline. What a relief to be verified - at last I can be confident I really exist!

Haha Robin you no longer are a robot

Just verified you @Louise_Brooks xx

Verified @Fran_487 earlier, was lovely chatting to you Fran, and fab you’ve joined the library
Also verified @Cara & @Wilhelm 2 of our library volunteers, thanks for popping in guys

Cheers @Pauline and welcome to the forum, @Louise_Brooks, @Fran_487, @Cara and @Wilhelm

Just verified @EmmaW from The Philosophy Foundation, our anchor tenants at the library

Just verified @DADU3A as they’ve signed up using their official email account. Welcome to and we look forward to hearing more about the local U3A

Just verified Robina @BingBong editor of Families SE

Just verified @Irmani_Smallwood was nice to meet you & hope your other half enjoyed his Twinkie

Really nice to meet you! The Twinkie was delicious ️

Just verified @Joey_H was great to meet you & have a long chat & giggles with you

Was lovely to have a good old reminisce & laugh with you all, felt like I knew you all right from the off

Just verified @SydArts as they’ve signed up using their official email address. Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing news of the free pantomime.

I know Pauline although I have not been in her shop lately (why did I not take more care of my teeth years ago?! lol) and my sons have used and do still, use her her shop when they are in the area. I will pop in sometime this week, IF I get away from work early enough, otherwise, soonest possible, to get verified
(the Healthcare Assistant from Lewisham Hospital)
LOVE Lewisham & Greenwich NHS TRust

Just verified you Sue, glad you joined & see you soon xx

Welcome to the forum, Sue - enjoyed your posts very much!

Hi Pauline and Chris (and everyone)
Thanks for that Pauline and I am glad to be here too
Well done Chris (and everyone else who helped/helps) for creating and running a local online forum for SE23 that actually does allow some freedom of speech, input from everyone who is willing to follow the guidelines and that which is truly inclusive and welcoming of the local people and what they have to say and offer. Sadly, I have had enough of places where you are made to feel “not worthy” of your input/not in “the gang”, so to speak, where online “one up man ship” and internet bullying/trolling is rife and where it feels ike “big brother” is watching you and also are just after the next “quick buck” at the cost of local people wishing to give advice, share information and stuff and more importantly gen up on what is happening around our wonderful SE23 and surrounding areas - good or bad.
Anyway, happy to be here, love SE23/beyond, glad to support such a place in any way I can and I will clue myself in more on what to/not to, do around here, whilst participating, as frequently as my work/home life allows.
Seasons greetings and warm regards

Just verified @BorderPaul local resident & Dad to a couple of my lovely little customers

Just verified the lovely @PetiteBoucheeHY so glad to have you guys on the forum, P xx

We just wanted to say thank you to everyone.

Just verified @Watershed Was good meeting you at The Food Assembly tonight Alistair, hope you enjoyed your supper tonight

I’m naughtily replying to “no reply” to say: “You too and thanks, it was lovely!”
Cheers, Al

Haha, let me know if you tried out the homemade cheese & onion potatoe rostie recipe I gave you. I smothered mine in leftover liver, bacon & onions from last night (and of course loads of cheese on top) & was delicious
I know I talk a lot so if you missed it during talks of D Rd improvements etc etc think I’ll have to cook a couple for tasting samples week after next for FHFA with our FHFA ingredients
Not sure why you got a “no reply” though @anon5422159 can you fix this please mate.
Anyway, was lovely meeting you today Al, and hope to see ya soon.

Ah yes - the site email address shouldn’t be “” now that replies are accepted and processed automatically. I’ve added this to the todo list. Cheers!

Nice one mate xx

Ah no I just had a simple steak/roast tats/veg/sauce combo, thanks for the recipe though!
Only reason I said “no reply” is because that’s what your email address seemed to be… dunno if it’s an IT thing.
Anyway, see you soon!

@Watershed and @Pauline - this is now sorted and the “” email address is no more (replaced with “”). Thanks for prompting me to fix this.

Just verified @Wynell Was nice to meet you today John

Wow great shop not for those trying to lose a few pounds spent the walk home thinking about sherbet saucers!!
Reminiscing probably can’t get much now for tuppence halfpenny

Just verified @southlondonmusicless was nice to meet you Seb

Likewise, lovely to meet you Pauline. Look forward to being more involved in the community.

Pleased to verify @HopscotchCafeBar. This account is run by Luca and his business partner, who have recently taken over the venue.

Just verified @westy1980 great to see you on the forum Phil & see ya soon xx

Verified Tom @NaturalHealthCoach great to have you on here Tom xx

Just verified the lovely Mel of @FowlMouths fab to have you here Mrs

Just verified Stephen @Bruceshire one of our volunteers at the library

Just verified the lovely Matt @TheHillLoungeBar

Pleased to verify @AckroydCentre - welcome to the forum! Also @MattFH and @BovillBunny - nice to meet you both today.

Hi Pauline, is there any chance you can verify me please? Thanks in advance and hope you’re well, Alice x

Hi @Alice, just a polite note: in order to get verified, we have to use another “channel” to prove you are who you say you are (not that there’s any reason to doubt this in your case).
If you have another way of contacting @Pauline (maybe you’re friends on FB for example, or you can pop into her shop), that will help to her verify your profile.
If you’re closer to Honor Oak than Forest Hill, you can pop into @No41Coffee, who are able to verify your profile on the spot.

Ah thanks Chris, understood! I’ll drop Pauline an email on Facebook.
I’m actually keen to get verified so that I can post on the Wanted/Offered section as I also have a mid 2012 MacBook for sale - and you seemed to have a fair bit of interest in yours!
I appreciate your advice.

@Alice ah excellent! You could try selling it here in auction style, as there are several people interested.

Just verified you Alice xx Great to have you on here xxx

Lovely thanks so much Pauline! Xxx

thanks Chris, I look forward in sharing all the activites that take place at the Ackroyd Centre with the SE23 life forum.

Just verified @DevonishForester was lovely to meet and chat to you today

Just verified @Gillipops - great to meet you!

Verified @anon17648011 was nice chatting to you at the weekend David

Just verified @fabiodebe after having a lovely chat with him at the shop today

Just verified @Rox was nice to meet you today

Lovely to meet you too.

Careful. I know this one. Trouble she is.

Hahaha @Rox


You’re more trouble than me

Jason sure is , in a lovely way

Pleased to welcome @ClaptonCraft to the forum, and I have verified their profile.

Just verified @leafandgroove, a new Dartmouth Road venture run by local people that will help support the Community Library.

Pleased to verify @thegroupantenatal - welcome to the forum!

will do!!

Sorry, I meant that I have just verified you (as I can see you signed up with your official email address)

I have verified @Crepe_Records - a local music-inspired fashion designer - welcome to the forum Manisha

YAY, great. To have you here manisha @Crepe_Records do the music for Forest Hill Fashion Week too

Just verified @RuthSE23 was nice to meet you today Ruth

Delighted to welcome @BrockleyCentral (Nick Barron) to the forum. I have verified his profile.

Great to have you here Nick @BrockleyCentral

Thank you. It is a great honour to be verified. I have never been verified before.

Love the blogs on brockley central, welcome

Hope you engage here as well, we all a big community

Just verified @librarysarah who’s one of our volunteers at the library & is also a librarian

Lovely to meet @watchman45 today. I have verified his profile.

I have verified the profile of singer/songwriter @Lewis_C_Barfoot. Welcome!

Thanks Chris x

I have verified @ValerieG, a reflexology therapist based in Honor Oak.

I have verified the profiles of @LewisSchaffer and @BlancheCameron, who are involved in the campaign to protect our local cemetery woods.

I have verified the profile of @ClementandBlack, a local wine / tasting / events startup.

Delighted to welcome @DavidKurtenAM to the forum - a member of the London Assembly (Environmental, Housing and Transport Committees).
Before this, he was a Chemistry teacher for 15 years and taught in both state and private schools in Hampshire, Botswana, London, Bosnia-Herzegovina, New York and Bermuda.
I have verified David’s profile

Just verified @ametzelaar was lovely to meet you today Adrian, and Paul too who kindly donated to @leafandgroove crowdfunder. Welcome to FH & the forum

I have verified @John_Paschoud, a Lewisham councillor for Perry Vale ward. Great to have you with us on the forum, John.

Hi ChrisBeach, could you kindly verify my account. Best. Yoms

Hi Yoms, we’ll need either to meet you in person, or to verify you electronically through another channel.
I understand you’re involved in the @honoroakpark Twitter account, so if you could DM me through Twitter this will be sufficient to prove your identity. Thanks.

Many thanks, Chris.

Hi Yoms, I have just verified your account. Should have done this sooner, as @Brett had mentioned you to me a while ago. Apologies for the delay.

Good to have you on here Ben xx


Hey @Nicki_Reddington I’ve just verified you xx

ta much x

Great to meet you! Verified!

Wooo Xx

Lovely to meet you xx

Would you trust me enough to confirm @LukeSlatford’s existence? He doesn’t eat candy and I don’t think is a Twitter user. He is also @Rox 's husband who @Pauline has met and verified.

I prefer flying under the radar as an unverified thank you very much!!

He lies. He wants to be verified.

I have verified @ACinderellaLine, who were invited to the forum yesterday. Thanks for joining and posting.

He is a social stalker

Just verified @JohnH1 Nice chatting to you today John

Just verified @Donnait was lovely chatting to you this morning Donnatella

Just verified @FH2017 was lovely to meet you & the family today

I have verified @Angharad_Cooper, project lead for the British Music Collection. Welcome to, Harry

Thanks Chris!

Just verified @SydenhamTC great to have you on the forum Christine

I have just verified @Michael_Bukola, who has previously represented the Lib Dems as a General Election candidate for Lewisham Deptford. Welcome to, Michael

Thanks. I will be now standing in Camberwell and Peckham for the Lib Dems during the Snap General Election.

Have verified @Jenn from The Perryvale. Great to have you here Jenn xx

Thank you everyone for your support! And thanks for the verification Pauline.

Just verified the lovely @LewishamLicks

Just verified @etchstudio23 great to have you on the forum Tessa xx

Just verified @GraceCat one of our fab library volunteers

Just verified the lovely @MackemJo who’s one of my FHFW (Forest Hill Fashion Week) team. Sorry it took me so long Jo to notice this was probably you xxx

Aha Jason, Luke has been converted, he’s been in twice now for cola & pineapple cubes

Just verified @appletree welcome to the lounge

Oh thank you, Pauline. Didn’t know I could get verified without meeting anyone in person.

@anon5422159 verified you on as a long time user on here, so I thought it only right you get verified by us here too

Great. Thank you!

Just verified @Will - was lovely to meet you yesterday Will

Just verified @Blindbear was lovely to meet you the other day

Brilliant thanks, was lovely meting you too

I have verified @SpontaneousJK via known email address. Thanks for joining

Welcome Jonathan xx

Just verified @Greku69

Just verified @pattrembath

Thnx, Pauline.I thought Id been verified sometime back when I posted about no more retail at Bell Green. Whateve, good to know Ive passed muster!Pat

Great to have you on here Pat xx

Just verified @whlsarah Thanks Sarah for the ice cream post on Instagram today

Thank you @Pauline😊 Lovely ice cream as always x

I have verified @kirkdalebookshop (based on recognised email address). Welcome to

Just verified @BringOutTheCranston was lovely to meet you Anthony

Verified @mwfrost earlier, was really lovely chatting to you today Michael

Thank you me and my friend had so much fun at sugar mountain and loved the 80’s booth

Just verified @Howdo was great to meet you & the kids at the weekend

Hi @Pauline, a while back (when I was volunteering at the library) you suggested I let you know my profile name for verification. Would it be OK for you to verify my account please? Marta

All done Marta, see you soon xx

Just verified @Fishcalledwanda was lovely chatting to you yesterday

thank you Pauline!

Just verified Sue from @StreetTreesforLiving and also @Alice_Billerey_Yoga. Welcome to

Just verified Cassie from @EveryChildTheatre - welcome to the forum

Just verified @bcam was nice chatting to you Bryan

Yep, was lovely meeting you. Thanks for the verification.
I’ll drop a Macaroni Pie into the shop after my next trip North!

Just verified the lovely @Kat my old neighbour. So glad you found Sammie today Katrina xx

Verified @Iris was lovely to meet you today

Thanks Pauline - I’ll let you know if I have any luck with the Assembly funding, cheers for the tip!

Let me know if you need anymore info, and have a great Friday

Just verified the lovely @KatherineOS from V22 & the lovely Sarah @klanimation who will be hosting "Smile For A While’ next Saturday 5th August at V22 Summer Club.
Great to have you on the forum guys xxx

Just verified @mfix was good chatting to you today Mel

You too lush ice cream too

Just verified @GillB brilliant Teacher Assistant in my 19yo daughters class (year 4/5) at Fairlawn Primary School long time ago. Great to have you here Gill

Thank you Pauline. It was Year 1, when she was a young child Been meaning to get verified for a long time as well ha ha!

I just need to up-load a new photo now, Chris I need your help!

Click here to go to your preferences and you should see your exisiting profile pic - click on the pencil next to the pic and then Click “Upload Picture”…

Thank you have done just that!

Just verified @stevejohnson nice chatting to you today. I love your eldest son’s enthusiasm for reading, he’s top notch ️

Just verified @Cari_Hoskins - nice to bump into you earlier today

You too, thanks for the verification!

Just verified @Joe sorry Joe, I should have verified you before now when we first chatted

Thanks Pauline.

Just verified @JDND the other half of Manisha @Crepe_Records who get involved in community events.
Sorry Justin, I only noticed I hadn’t verified you yet x

Thanks Pauline!

Just verified (via known email address) Jolyon, author of excellent local blog @LewishamLately -
Welcome to

Thanks Chris!

Just verified @AdamJSmith Was lovely to meet you today Adam, hope my interview helped with your Uni work

Just verified @sarahdartmouthrd Was nice to meet you today Sarah

Great to meet you too, Pauline! Thanks for he verification. See you soon!

Just verified @Bel Belinda is the Membership Secretary for FH Society

Just verified @Em_E_Gore Em’s parents own Canvas & Cream. Hope you’re well Em and enjoying motherhood xx

Just verified @Hannah was lovely to meet you Hannah

Thanks @Pauline
lovely to meet you too!

Just verified @mindbodytherapy fab to have you here Karen & Devon xx

Just verified @Gem to keep her updated on D Rd Works Rd closure during her time of giving birth.

Just verified @TCM (Jason, former Donde owner and now The Clumsy Mole), based on known email address. Welcome to the forum!

Just verified @maurice thanks so much for donating a tree for FH Libraty again via Forest Hill Cabs Mo xx
I’ve got my decorating hat on after this tonight, so should give justice to decorating the tree tomorrow
See you at some point tomorrow mucker & I’ve got all the stands & sandbags ready you donated from last year.

Just verified the lovely @margotwilson & @Maggie1 from our local Lib Dems, great to have you both on here & see you both soon xx

Many thanks, Pauline. Great to see you today and thanks for updating us on
what is going on.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas to you too, hope you have a great time & hope you have an amazing Hogmanay xx
You only just missed @JohnRussell he popped by to get some stocking fillers for the kids & a catch up too of course.
All the best for 2018 x

Delighted to be on board!

Great stuff Maggie, hope all enjoyed the sweets at your wedding. And hope you and Bill had an amazing day xx

Just verified @Ben_Oliver & @Jane.Somers welcome to the forum both of you, was lovely to meet you.
Hope you enjoyed your sugar free sherbet lemons Jane

Many thanks - really tasty.Thanks for all your information. Have a good weekend. Best wishes Jane Somers

Thanks for the add, lovely to meet you.
Let me know next time you have any Pez in!

Just verified @Emmy was nice to meet you yesterday & welcome to the forum

Just verified @kennyjamesmoran thanks for popping by today & welcome to the forum

Thanks @Pauline much appreciated! Do people verify pets such as dogs in case they go missing or anything like that?

Many of our members have posted their cats and dogs on - as you suggested, this is helpful if they’re missing and found by one of our members.

I realise this is a bit last minute but are there potentially any mini meet-ups or chances to be verified during the Dartmouth Road event? I’m hoping Sugar Mountain will be so busy that Pauline won’t want the distraction but there might be a few members around who aren’t always?

Just verified @Ari_Yoga thanks for popping by last Friday
Sorry about the delay in verifying you Ari I must have taken your user name down incorrectly so had to get some help from @anon5422159 to find out your username

Hello Pauline,
No worries
Thanks for that!
Have a nice day,

Hi Chris, I popped into no41 coffee a few weeks ago for a lovely flat white and to be verified, gave my details, but still to be verified. Reason?

Apologies @Warren69, I’ll look into this.

Hi Chris, hope you are well. Any update on this one?

I’ve not heard back recently, and have just PMed to follow up with No41.

Just verified @Fagin @Jana & @nivag great to meat you all and welcome to the forum xx

Oi @Fagin behave hahaha

Yes ma’am

Hello, when is the next opportunity to get verified? Is this meeting an admin in a coffee shop? Thanks!

Hi @JasminK - please see instructions here: How to get ✅ Verified
No need to meet an admin - just pop into Sugar Mountain, Dartmouth Road, or No 41 Coffee, Brockley Rise.

Just verified @watchman45 lovely to meet you

Verified @swagger, welcome

Just verified @JohnW nice to meet you and cheers for being involved with @Michael and the FH Society

Hi I was hoping to get verified (just upgraded my TV and would like to sell the old one locally). I went to Sugar Mountain yesterday, but seems its shut down. I know No41 Coffee also can do verifications - but seems they haven’t logged in ~6months ? @anon5422159

Hi @tomcarman - yes, unfortunately Sugar Mountain closed a few days ago. Pauline has been brilliant in verifying local people.
We’d now like to find another local business in Forest Hill willing and able to do so. If any business is interested, please let me know.
As for @No41Coffee - I believe they are still willing and able to verify accounts (Tolga, please PM if that’s not the case). Thanks.

A couple of local friends asked me if I knew how they could get verified now that Sugar Mountain has closed. Is No. 41 still verifying? That said No. 41 is not really convenient for them. Is there another way? I seem to recall people have been verified by their Twitter accounts.

In cases where a member has an established social media profile and used it to log in to I’m happy to verify them here.

Do you mean logging in using Facebook? Or Twitter?
If so, is the only alternative visiting No. 41?

Yes, people can log into this site using Facebook or Twitter and this is visible to mods.
@No41Coffee is the only local venue verifying accounts at the moment. If you can, please mention to other local venues that we are looking for an shop in Forest Hill to join @No41Coffee in verifying accounts.

Worked for me via FB. Thanks

Big thanks to @SGC for verifying @natalieh101, @Tatiana_Lauda, @knot_in_denial, @finnac, @Katharine_Biernacka and @Itypes at this month’s Book Club meeting
Benefits for Verified Members
- Add trustworthiness to your online profile (which lends credibility to your reviews of businesses etc)
- Gain access to the members “Lounge” category
- Able to opt in to the General Politics and Ethikos categories.
- Add listings to the “Wanted/Offered” category
- Get additional powers on the site:
- Send private messages to other users
- Recategorise and rename any topic
- Flagging a spam post will immediately collapse it
- Create collaborative “wiki” posts that others can edit

Thanks @Sgc

Hi, I was wondering if you have found another place local to FH for verification yet?
I’d like to get verified but it’s a bit tricky to get over to Brockley - are there any other options for verification (I don’t have twitter, and my Facebook account is severly neglected)?

Hi @DanuDanu, we haven’t found another place yet, but keen to find a shop willing to do so.

Hi @anon5422159 I was at the meetup at the Sylvan post but didn’t add my name to the verified list on the night, is it OK to be added? Thanks

Hi @ucndave. If you can link an established social media profile to your account, I’ll mark you as verified. You can do so by logging in to using Facebook or Twitter

It seems that I can only start a new profile by putting in my facebook details - am I missing something?

If you’re using the same email address on FB/Twitter as you are here, creating a new account using one of the social network sign-up options will, I believe, link your social account to your existing forum account.

I changed my e-mail address so that it’s the same as I use for FB. I have also linked my FB account. Does this suffice for you to verify me? Thanks.

Just verified the lovely @Carole Abrahams. Massive welcome Carole xxx I’m @pauline and Michael is @Michael on here P x

Thank you Pauline.

I shared a beer with @NorthernMatt last night and now he’s verified! Welcome aboard Matt!

Thank you

It turns out that I know @Beige in real life, and even shared some rainbow layer cake in the past.
@Beige would like to be verified, so I’m happy to be of service

Can I get verified? I’ve been to one of the mixer drinks at the Sylvan Post and I think my Facebook is linked (Estelle Lauren) if you need to find me, iamestelle on twitter.